One comparison is that nature reacts in a bad way for both of them. This is why nature dose not like it. For Orpheus the people did not like that he was not playing music anymore and they got mad at him (Pg.668). For the origins the people did not like that she was not growing the crops and all the flowers, and also making it cold.(Pg.658-659). Nature dose not like ether of them. Nature liked them both at the beginning but not at the end of both. Nature liked to listen to his music but at the end he did not sing for them. For the other natur liked to live but at the in they had to die.
These two poems are written by poets with completely different social statuses. This differing factor leads to two completely different perspectives on the
Hades was born from Cronos and Rhea. Like his other brothers and sisters, hades was eaten by his father but did not die. Although, one baby was hidden away by Rhea, Zeus. Zeus, once grown up, came back to attack Cronos and the titans. He freed his brothers and sisters, letting them escape beginning the war against Cronos and his titans. Once the war was over and the Olympians had won, Hades became the Ruler of the underworld watching over all mortal who had died.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the young Arthur Dimmesdale is a highly respected reverend in 17th century puritanical Massachusetts. However, he is the most morally ambiguous character in the novel because of the one great sin he commits and fails to readily confess. For this, he suffers an internal affliction that destabilizes his physical and spiritual composure. Dimmesdale’s sin was detrimental, but this action cannot qualify him as a bad person because in all other aspects, he is as righteous as the Puritans came. This moral ambiguity of Dimmesdale plays a pivotal role in the novel because it allows the reader to distinguish between true good and evil.
To add on from the concrete dissimilarities of both author’s interpretations. Both pieces also have conflicting moral and this can be derived from the fact that the pieces were written in different time periods and two totally different authors. It is evident that both authors drew
Known as the god of the afterlife, Hades is arguably one of the most powerful gods in Greek mythology. Who was Hades, Who were his parents, and what famous battles did Hades take part in? Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea. As the story goes, in order to keep his children safe, Cronus would eat each of his children as they were born. Rhea became unhappy with Cronus eating their children and gave him a rock instead of their son Zeus.
Read the two poems carefully, bearing in mind that they were written at different times by different writers and are open to different interpretations. Write a comparison of these two poems.
Persephone is the goddess of Spring Growth and rebirth. She is queen of the Underworld. Her story and character has interested me since i was 7 years old when i found a book about her. Some people say different things about Persephone, but they all lead to Persephone’s character and story. From Persephone living in the Underworld to Persephone’s symbols I have researched as much as I could.
Roman myth and mythology were merely the continuation of Greek myths and legends, with some Roman changes to suit the needs of the times. Through ancient writers such as Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus, we have uncovered the intertwined nature of Greek myths and mythology had upon the Roman mythology story.
To start, both poems are about animal death. They both involve cruel killings but it is the narrator that changes the tone of the story. The poems are both written in first person point of view which gives the reader insight to the narrator’s thoughts and feelings. It is through the emotions and actions of the narrators that we can see the differences in the two poems.
PERSEPHONE, QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD. The goddess Persephone, the innocent daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of corn, grain and the harvest. Who was abducted by Hades and became the queen of the underworld. The story was used by the ancient Greeks to explain the changing of seasons.
These two examples again show the differences between nature and
Being a kid is so much better than growing up. All of the responsibilities children don't have to worry about and getting out of trouble. Sarah Ruhl makes her turn around in Eurydice to show that it is almost impossible to grow up. Eurydice makes Orpheus turn around because she thinks she isnt important to Orpheus, misses her father babying her, and because she realizes she made the wrong decision.
In both accounts, there are many similarities that contribute to the same likely outcome. As seen before, both stories have the same soul purpose which is too wipe the Earth clean from evil and begin a fresh start. In summary, though both humanities had started out pure and good, they eventually found greed and evil, wanting nothing else but sole power over all, which inevitably would lead to their own death. However, as in
In Oedipus the King, a play by Sophocles, we see the struggles of a man destined to murder his father and sleep with his mother. While the story centers around the royalty commonly found in a tragedy, the lower class are a very important part of the story and help propel the narrative forwards. The lower class characters who affect the story the most are the messenger who delivers the news of Polybus’ death to Oedipus, the Shepherd who rescued Oedipus from the talons of death, and the Chorus who represent the people of Thebes. The narrative of the play is heavily catalyzed by these key minor characters, and without them the story would not have taken place in the same way it had.
Two poems that deal with the harsh reality of death, done tastefully and beautifully in very different ways. They have similar tones with different executions, Both convey the theme of loss though one feels more like a story and the other more like a speech, and both were written in the aftermath of a beloved president's assassination.