
Nature-Nurture: The Controversy Of A Serial Killer

Decent Essays

One of today's greatest areas of controversy in the study of human behavior is the nature-nurture debate. The nature argument is that human behavior is determined by our inheritance or genetic structure. The nurture argument is that human behavior is the result of learning and experience from outside factors such as family, religion, media and peers. A question that has been long debated by psychologist and criminologist is whether a serial killer has a weird fate to be a killer or inherently got passed these “evil genes”. This is so controversial because this is what is argued when convicting someone innocent or guilty. Is someone truly guilty of a crime if they are born with a mental illness? It's hard to understand what drives …show more content…

The only thing all these monsters seem to have in common is that each and every one of them have had traumatic childhoods, but did that turn them into serial killers? Did they have some weird fate that molded them to become this heartless killers. The other side of the argument is that nature is the reason on why a killer is a killer. Is a person passed down “killer genes” or does nurture play a bigger role is a argument that can not be easily answered. Naturally everybody is born with different genes that make up who we are, but many argue that differences in DNA do not create a psychokiller. It's hard to think that people are born crazy and born murderers but lots of serial killers do have mental issues that can be caused by lots of things. An example of a case that may seem argue that nature plays a part in who we are is a story of Ted Bunde. He was one of the worlds most known notorious serial killers who killed more that 50 women and girls. Teds aunt shared a story that was quit gut wrenching stating that when Ted was 3 years old she had woken up in the middle of the night and found him standing at the end of the bed with a knife and thought nothing of it. Does this prove anything? Are children evil

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