“Twins have been the heart and soul of the nature versus nurture debate for over a century” (Plicher 1). Scientists and psychologists believe that because identical twins share 100% of the same genes, that studying twins, would benefit in proving the theory. Twins that are separated at birth end up living in different environments. Because they grow up differently, scientists and psychologists are able to analyze the genetic and environmental influences that shape the twins personalities. Even though the discussion of the nature versus nurture topic has not yet been proven, some feel nurture wins. The study of twins contributes to the debate of nature versus nurture and whether the environment or genetics affects the development of personality. …show more content…
The twin study allows scientists to research in a unique way. Scientists are often able to identify what makes each twin different from the other when twins are being raised in different environments. The parents who raise the twin may have different views on religion, sexual orientation, and other life choices. By growing up in different homes, the twins may not necessarily have the same views as one another. Normally, the twins are quite similar and have the same goals and choices as one another. This leads to the belief of the nature …show more content…
Recent studies on twins started to question epigenetics. Because identical twins develop when one cell splits into two, they have the same epigenome. The epigenome interacts with DNA in order to activate or deactivate genes (Pilcher). Epigenetic tags turn specific genes on or off. The epigenomes of twins start out similar because they grow up in the same environment, but the more they grow apart, the different their epigenomes become. Some examples of environmental factors that can affect the epigenome are diet, differences in physical activities, exposure to toxins, and stress. “The environment plays a key role in shaping our epigenetic profiles, which in turn influences the activity of our genes, which in turn shape our behavior, lifestyle choices, and health” (Plicher 3). The environment affects each twin differently, causing the epigenetic tags to turn on different genes. This causes each twin to be unique in his or her own
Table 3-1 examines the correlations between selected characteristics for the identical twins separated at birth and the twins raised together. When compared to each other, they both have very similar brain wave activity, blood pressure and heart rate in the physiological characteristics. The Raven intelligence test was very similar, but the WAIS IQ displayed a bit of difference when compared to the other comparisons made. Personality wise, they typically had similar personalities at the same rate as twins raised together. Psychological interests were off a little bit, but still very similar. The twins that were separated at birth had less similar psychological interests compared to the twins
Nature or Nurture. Nature may be all of the genes and hereditary factors with which influence them to become who they are such as physical appearances and personality characteristics. Nurturing impacts people’s lives as well as how they are raised and all the environmental factors. In combination, these qualities can be the true identity of oneself. Many people may argue that nurture appears to a play huge factor in the two, but others may think otherwise. Not having both as a characteristic can have a negative effect on a person physically and mentally. The debate of nature versus nurture appears to be the oldest argument known to man, and it still remains to be unanswered. In the old-age argument nature versus nurture, nature may play a huge role in determining a person’s true identity.
Twin studies are a mainstay of the nature verse nurture debate because they allow researchers to conduct “natural experiments” on human beings. When researchers try to determine the relative importance of genetics and environment with regard to a certain condition, they have a hard time because they cannot generally get people with the same genes. This is where twin studies come in. Twins studies are part of the method used in behaviour genetics, which includes all data that are genetically informative. E.g. siblings, adoptees, pedigree data etc. Researchers use this method to estimate the heritability of traits and to quantify the effect of a person 's shared environment (family) and unique environment (the individual events that shape a life) on a trait.
In the summary and selected experts from “Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart” (Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal and Tellegen) there were various research methods used in the study. The study focused on whether nature or nurture had an affect on twins behavior. To start, I believe this study was a cross-selection research where analyzation takes place at a single point in time rather than longitudinal research where research is collected over time.The reason for this is because it would be extremely difficult and time consuming to keep a close eye on over 200 children throughout their lifetime. This would also cause in affect if the study method would have been just plain observation
The main focus of this study is whether nature or nurture is stronger. The researches wanted to see if twins who were separated at birth would still grow up to be similar. I believe the results will be that the twins will share some interests and similarities, like all siblings do, but because of the separation they will not be as similar as that might have been if they had been kept together. From my experience, people are born with a personality. There are certain traits that we are born with that the environment we grown up in can influence, but cannot completely change. With that said, the environment we grow up in does play a large role in the people we become and what are opinions are. As we talked about with the sociological imagination, outside influences make a huge impact on our
Bouchard and Lykken’s study has been criticized for many things. For one, other psychologists believe that the information published is not complete, and therefore their findings are not reliable. Another criticism is that Bouchard and Lykken do not consider many environmental factors that the twins experienced growing up, creating unreliable and biased research. The biggest issue people have with this study is the assumption Bouchard and Lykken made when they determine that the twins who grew up together had identical home environments. That the twins were not treated differently by their parents or their environment; that they had the same exact experiences growing up. This, the
According to Begley, identical twins are not always identical in behavior just because of genes. Some studies show that when twins are given different circumstances, for example, different educational opportunities, different results are obtained. One example in Newsweek showed one twin may grow to be a professional pianist while the other twin was not at all musical even though the twins were both raised in a musical environment ("Heredity" 69). Twins have different interest from each other, and express them in individual ways.
Throughout history, across all cultures, people have been fascinated with twins. In addition to interest in the close emotional ties and biological similarities that twins may share, reports of special twin languages and twin extrasensory perception (ESP) help people to explore ideas of what it means to be human. How similar or different are they to each other? How important are genes and environment for development? Because identical twins share all of their genes, it is the environment—rather than genetics—that accounts for any differences between them.
Does the environment that one grows up in contribute to alcoholism or is alcoholism determined by genetics? It wasn’t until 1991 that alcoholism was considered both a medical and psychiatric disease by the American Medical Association. Alcoholism is defined in the dictionary as a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally. (dictionary.com). It is also defined as an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness
In reading stories about identical twins my point of view is easily understood. Various types of psychologist have analyzed the study of identical twins. It shows that individuals with the same genetic make-up can be totally different, when it comes to personality. Nurture promotes the twins to grow up as separate individuals. Its a lot better if a twin has his or her own personality rather than the same exact personality of the other half. I think this great debate weighs heavier on the nurture side. As a child my parents, and sibling overshadowed my genetic make-up. No matter how much I thought my physical traits made me behave. It did not affect me more than the things that I had seen and been exposed to. The more things that I had seen around and experienced made me the person that I am today. If my genetic make-up was totally different, to a certain extent, I am sure that I?d behave the same way that I do presently. There are exceptions to that. For instance if I were six foot five and one hundred and ninety pounds, I?d most likely be in the NBA and be really rich. I think if I was really rich and in the NBA I wouldn?t have the same worries that I have today. Even if before I were in the NBA I would have lots of attention and have a lot more confidence. So to an extent I would change a little if my genetic make-up were different. In a sense, genetic make-up is just a competitor to the environmental factors
There is evidence that personality comes from biological factors, such as genes, brain structure, and neurochemistry) but environmental factors determine if they prevail. James Loehlin did a study on twin personalities. He determined that identical twins personalities are more similar than fraternal twins because they share similar genes. Loehlin also found that parenting style has little to do with the personality of twins. He discovered this by observing twins who grew up in separate families (Gazzaniga, Heatherton, & Halpern).
1. Some people have argued that the Johns Hopkins psychologist used this opportunity as an experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid?
Scientists and psychologists everywhere study twins. The argument most commonly studied is nature versus nurture. The focus of this essay, however, is whether or not to separate twins in schools. Some believe the separation is demeaning and traumatic to the twins. The side about to be proved however that is this separation is a necessary step in the individualization of twins. Often, separation sparks the path to individualization.
The Minnesota Twin Registry started in 1983 and its goal was to establish a registry of all twins born in Minnesota from 1936 to 1955 to be used for psychological research.., T.J. Bouchard, working in conjunction with the University of Minnesota, started exploring the similarities and differences in characteristics like personality, career interests, and a variety of personal interests between identical twins who were reared apart. Research was conducted on twins from all over the world. The Minnesota Twin study gave scientists a new insight of the role of nature vs. nurture on human development and personality; it was the hope that twin studies would be able to tie genes to specific behaviors. From the study, we understand that twins who were separated at birth and raised in different families
From these studies, researchers have found that twins who have grown up in the same household share similarities in the way they think, act, dress, speak, etcetera. However, with the first type of twin studies, researchers could not differentiate whether the similarities were due to them having identical/similar genetic makeups or growing up in the same environments. Therefore, in order for psychologists to know whether similarities in twins are genetic or socially influenced, they studied twins who grew up in completely different households and environments. The study showed that despite growing up with a different family and in a different environment, they still had noticeable similarities in fashion, interests, and thought processes (K.W. Brown, personal communication, August 29, 2017). Twin studies, as well as other studies, have greatly contributed to our understanding of overall role that genes play in the development of psychological traits and behavior.