
Nature Vs Nurture

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“Twins have been the heart and soul of the nature versus nurture debate for over a century” (Plicher 1). Scientists and psychologists believe that because identical twins share 100% of the same genes, that studying twins, would benefit in proving the theory. Twins that are separated at birth end up living in different environments. Because they grow up differently, scientists and psychologists are able to analyze the genetic and environmental influences that shape the twins personalities. Even though the discussion of the nature versus nurture topic has not yet been proven, some feel nurture wins. The study of twins contributes to the debate of nature versus nurture and whether the environment or genetics affects the development of personality. …show more content…

The twin study allows scientists to research in a unique way. Scientists are often able to identify what makes each twin different from the other when twins are being raised in different environments. The parents who raise the twin may have different views on religion, sexual orientation, and other life choices. By growing up in different homes, the twins may not necessarily have the same views as one another. Normally, the twins are quite similar and have the same goals and choices as one another. This leads to the belief of the nature …show more content…

Recent studies on twins started to question epigenetics. Because identical twins develop when one cell splits into two, they have the same epigenome. The epigenome interacts with DNA in order to activate or deactivate genes (Pilcher). Epigenetic tags turn specific genes on or off. The epigenomes of twins start out similar because they grow up in the same environment, but the more they grow apart, the different their epigenomes become. Some examples of environmental factors that can affect the epigenome are diet, differences in physical activities, exposure to toxins, and stress. “The environment plays a key role in shaping our epigenetic profiles, which in turn influences the activity of our genes, which in turn shape our behavior, lifestyle choices, and health” (Plicher 3). The environment affects each twin differently, causing the epigenetic tags to turn on different genes. This causes each twin to be unique in his or her own

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