
Nature Vs Nurture Essay

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The often debated concept of Nature vs. Nurture has in recent years become less of a polarizing topic. With advancements in psychology and biology, the factors that go into the etiology of certain disorders and diseases have become more clear, but also less clearly distinct from one another. The lines between the impacts of environmental factors or biological factors on human lives are becoming more and more blurred. In particular, social anxiety acts as an excellent example of how these factors can become intermixed to create the symptomology of a disorder. It has become clear to modern scientists that social anxiety disorder results from a complex interplay between environmental and biological factors. Social anxiety disorder results in a persistent feeling of fear during certain social situations. These feelings of fear get in the way of everyday life, and make it hard for those who have the disorder to properly interact within normal social situations (Social Anxiety, NIMH, 2018). Social anxiety varies …show more content…

Specifically, as the paper, “Recent advances in the neurobiology of anxiety disorders: Implications for novel therapeutics,” by Mathew et al. (2008), lists “The neuropeptides substance P, neuropeptide Y, oxytocin, orexin, and galanin,” as being a potential part of the anxiety pathways within the brain (pg. 2). Thus, any changes within genes influencing the production of these neurochemicals can be traced to the expression of social anxiety. Furthermore, corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF) concentrations are elevated in multiple forms of anxiety disorders (Mathew et al., 2008, pg. 2). Corticotropin-releasing factor is released in response to stress by the hypothalamus, however, in anxiety disorders it is released beyond the time period of this stress response (Mathew et al., 2008, pg. 3). This likely is a factor in the prolonged feelings of fear found in social

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