
Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper

Decent Essays

Nature vs Nurture debate is the representation that society is an organism, but the question is do we inherently possess the knowledge to function as an organism, or are we taught this skill. The debate over Nature vs Nurture is more of a struggle about which theory is the correct theory in my opinion. Social behaviors can be the product of both genetics as well as an influence by our environment. Nature is of the belief that inherited traits found in our genes make us who we are. From the day we are born, we are subject to society, which play an important role in who we are by way of family, friends, and media. Any situation we are subject to has an impact on us. I remember my parents scrutinizing my older brothers about the friends in which they chose to …show more content…

My father always told them that you could begin to act like those you hang around with, whether good or bad. In other words, our peers easily influence us. I can remember this from a very early age, even growing up in the same household, attending the same school and church, etc. our values and standards are quite different from one another. Even in the animal kingdom, genetics is evident. I was watching a nature video by David Attenborough about birds. The video showed how different species laid their eggs. The cuckoo bird would lay her eggs in the nests of unlike species. As the baby cuckoo bird cracked its shell, even before it was able to see, it would immediately begin pushing all the other eggs out of the nest in order to be the only bird fed by its adoptive mother. This is not a case of something learned, as much as it is instinctive. Having said that, I believe who we are as human beings is the combination of both nature and nurture that our genes and environment work together. I believe certain traits and abilities are inherited, however I also believe social structure plays a most active role in who we become and what

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