Nature vs Nurture debate is the representation that society is an organism, but the question is do we inherently possess the knowledge to function as an organism, or are we taught this skill. The debate over Nature vs Nurture is more of a struggle about which theory is the correct theory in my opinion. Social behaviors can be the product of both genetics as well as an influence by our environment. Nature is of the belief that inherited traits found in our genes make us who we are. From the day we are born, we are subject to society, which play an important role in who we are by way of family, friends, and media. Any situation we are subject to has an impact on us. I remember my parents scrutinizing my older brothers about the friends in which they chose to …show more content…
My father always told them that you could begin to act like those you hang around with, whether good or bad. In other words, our peers easily influence us. I can remember this from a very early age, even growing up in the same household, attending the same school and church, etc. our values and standards are quite different from one another. Even in the animal kingdom, genetics is evident. I was watching a nature video by David Attenborough about birds. The video showed how different species laid their eggs. The cuckoo bird would lay her eggs in the nests of unlike species. As the baby cuckoo bird cracked its shell, even before it was able to see, it would immediately begin pushing all the other eggs out of the nest in order to be the only bird fed by its adoptive mother. This is not a case of something learned, as much as it is instinctive. Having said that, I believe who we are as human beings is the combination of both nature and nurture that our genes and environment work together. I believe certain traits and abilities are inherited, however I also believe social structure plays a most active role in who we become and what
The nature vs nurture debate is one that naturalists and empiricists love to have. The naturalists are on the nature side of the debate; they believe that a person's development is primarily influenced by their genetic traits. The empiricists, on the other hand, side with the nurture part of the debate; they believed that a person's development is mostly influenced by the environment they are raised in. Most modern psychologist, however, don’t take such radical approaches. They instead accept that a person’s development is influenced by a mixture of both nature and nurture, although there is still debate over which plays a larger role (McLeod). In my life, both nature and nurture have played key roles in my development as a person and who I
The concept of nature versus nurture is that human behaviour is influenced by genetic information inherited from our parents and also by environmental and social influences.
The phrase “Nature vs. Nurture” is an alliterative expression that dates back to the Elizabethan Period. The term nature has to do with our genetics, or the traits you are born with. The term nurture is how your life, and actions of those in it, have shaped the person that you are. Although both terms are debatable to some people, others tend to have a more firm grasp on what each term means. They have developed stronger opinions as to what exactly causes people to act, and believe the way they do.
According to the dictionary the term "Nurture" means to feed and protect, and "Nature" means the particular combination of qualities belonging to a person. Although the brothers have one similarity that I would consider nurturistic, which is there willingness to help people thorough their occupation, I believe the rest of the other similarities that the brothers share fall along the lines of nature. For example, both brothers share the same shoe size which seems to be an inheritance from their parents and that is a natural similarity. Also, the brothers share similar interests such as smoking, reading, exercising, coffee, music, brand of clothing, and religion, which also falls into the category of natural characteristics.
Is one’s life set in stone right from birth? Or does an individual gain certain qualities through experiences in life? Nature versus nurture has always been a controversial debate, and there are many different theories and explanations that have been provided around the world, and although many of these statements are true, no one has come to an official conclusion that explains this psychological phenomenon. There have been hundreds of studies conducted in order to explain this topic, and the findings can help develop an understanding that can eventually define the truth. By analyzing certain cognitive traits in individuals it is possible to learn whether these certain traits are predisposed or if the environment one grows up in influence the appearance of the traits.
In regards to being a “natural born killer”, behavior in a person can ultimately be broken down into it’s biological components. Humans have a “warrior gene” built inside of them and sometimes it’s an uncontrollable urge that just releases with little to know warning. For example, on a drastically smaller scale, you get punched in the face and your immediate reaction is to strike back. That feeling, that action is the “warrior gene” inside of you. That’s part of your DNA to adapt and survive. Some people are born with extremely bad tempers. Where do you think that came from? It’s passed down from generation to generation. Men are more common to strike back, have a poor attitude or make a big deal out of something
When it comes to the debate of whether counselors and born or made, I think that my stance falls more in the center of both extremes. I don't think that it is impossible to be a good counselor if you were not praised for your abilities to be easy to talk to at an early age, but I do think that there are some personalities that may be better suited for different types of counseling. I believe that counselors should approach the field and developed both, from scientific and intuition or feeling based skills. I think that over time even if you did not begin with a natural therapeutic way of being you can develop into a good counselor, if that it what you really want and strive for. I also don't that counseling should only be based off learning from experiences but should also partly rely on the scientific foundations and theories in which counseling was based upon.
The topic of whether nature or nurture is more important in the shaping of a person's personality. To start off, the heredity is the passing of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to another. On the other hand of the debate, the nurture/environment is basically the place a person grew up in, personal experiences, early childhood life etc... The debate has a long history as one of the oldest debates in psychology. The longevity of the debate and the great importance of both aspects of a person's personality makes side picking extremely difficult. However, one side does have an advantage over the other.
nurture is environmental factors, where nature is what a person is born with. Both of these are very important and it is actually quite hard to decide whcih is more important than the other. I did some research on this topic and found there are many debates. For this assigment i decided to say nurture is more important in a childs learning because if a teacher does not no whats going on at home they may jump to concolusions about the child. Nurture doesnt just mean home life either, its friends, neighboors, groups and children can become easily peerpresured into doing something they dont want to do which could lead bullying, and i believe it is our goal as future educators to provvent that from happing. that is why i sided on team nurture though
Throughout growing up, an individual is told they can do and become anything they want to as long as they put their mind to it. That is great for someone to understand, but despite knowing this philosophical viewpoint, people quickly learn that some individuals are better than others at certain activities. I’m sure throughout school you realized that some students comprehended skills quicker than others.
Of course, to every argument there has to be two sides. Some scientists argue that the way we are and act is not necessarily all determined by our genes. Believers of this side think that our behavioral aspects are derived from the environment in which we are brought up in. In the theory of nurture, our behaviors are not instinctive, but are learned throughout our lives. For example, we all laugh and cry at different time and under different circumstances. As humans, we learn from our surroundings and are influenced by our peers and parents. Another example of the role of nurture explaining our behaviors is that fact that we learn our fears and phobias. The key difference is that nurture alters itself from the fact that our biological make up is the only explanation for our behavior.
The first topic I’d like to address from my learning in this unit is the topic of “nature vs. nurture.” This concept is a fundamental piece of developmental psychology, and is a debate of whether a person’s genetics and heredity or the environment and learning has more sway over the person’s personality and psyche. Studies have found that despite being raised in different ways and in different homes, identical twins that were separated at birth tend to share more psychological similarities than they have differences. As such, scientists and psychologists have largely found that nature is more important than nurture. However, these two ideas must also work together to create who someone is. This idea of nature vs. nurture can apply to my life
In psychology, the nature versus nurture debate is concerned about the degree to which are behavior is derived from genetic factors and environmental factors. Nature, in essence, means that we were born the way we are and this side of the debate argues that our biology has the greatest influence on our behavior. Nurture on the other hand believes that what a person has been exposed to and experienced has the greatest influence on their behavior.
Nature is defined in our textbooks as “the hereditary information we receive from our parents at the time of conception.” (Berk, 2014, p. 5) Nurture is defined as “the complex forces of the physical and social world that influence our biological makeup and psychological experiences before and after birth.” (Berk, 2014, p. 5) In other words nature links to our biology and nurture is all the other influences. Of course it is never as simple as that, our genetics can influence our behavior and our environment can influence our genetics. Trying to figure out where one influence starts and another begins will keep modern researchers busy for a very long time.
When you hear the word nature in this debate, it’s not referring to things like plants, water, or insects. The word nature is referring to all the genes and hereditary factors that play into who we are. This includes our physical appearances, as well as our personality characteristics. Biological psychology tends to lean more on the side of the nature debate. It stresses the importance of genetics and biological influences. Philosophers like Plato and Descartes agree with this. They suggest that certain things are inborn, or that they occur naturally regardless of any environmental influences.