Do you know how you got your personality? Scientist have been wondering which is more powerful nature or nurture.Nature can be genetics, and it shapes personality.Nurture has to be learned, and it has people behave correctly.Both nature and nurture are powerful, but nurture is more powerful.
Nature is genetics, and it helps shapes personality. Like Anais and Sam, they have a lot of the same things. They both like the same pop have the same laff, and there both outgoing.They also had the same pet peeves.The Jim Twins have the same personality, they love to woodwork and the same beer.They both had wives named Bettie and Linda. They also had the same son name Jams, Allan.The twins Jack and Oscar had the same jacket and glasses on when they met.Both of them were competitive and they passed away from cancer. When they both met they were really emotional. MISSING EVIDENCE
Nurture is learned, and it makes us behave correctly. Jack and Oscar were raised very differently when they were young.Oskar was a Nazi raised by his mom and he was beaten and a quiet thinker. He was also Obedient and a reserved person. For Jack, he was carefree and emotional. He was raised by his dad and he was Jewish. Anais spoke
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Nurture is more powerful because it comes from your parent's actions. Like Jeannie's parents, they abused her and she had no social skills. Jeannie was a feral child. She couldn't talk either. Or like Phobia, it's a trauma to the parent reaction. It commonly runs in the family and is passed from one generation to the other. Phobia is also the lead to avoidance.I've had some nurture things like my sister and I. She is the total opposite of me. My sister is an inside person and I'm always an outside person. I also think nurture is more powerful because what my dad does I do it sometimes too. I sometimes find myself doing stuff what my grandpa is doing too.That is why I think nurture is more
Rhetorical Analysis: Going far away for college can be difficult. Many college kids tend to start missing home and their daily routines. For this reason, many colleges offer culture clubs where students can stay connected to their culture and feel less homesick. However, in the article, “Minority Student Clubs: Segregation or Integration?” by Gabriela Moro, she presents a compelling case for the importance of both cultural clubs and multicultural culture clubs. While she does acknowledge that cultural clubs that colleges have can help students, she also emphasizes the importance of multicultural activities and argues that it is more important.
Visiting a different island in the Caribbean each summer has always been a family tradition of mine. The first few years never failed to make me fall in love with each and every one of them, but once my family suggested on visiting Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, the eighth year, my thoughts were not so hyped. Going to the same sea each year can get old and boring. When we finally got to Punta Cana, falling in love was too short of a term to describe what I felt for it. As soon as we landed we were greeted with songs and happiness all around. The nobleness lingering in the atmosphere, coconut smell in the air, and architecture went beyond my imagination.
Nature or Nurture. Nature may be all of the genes and hereditary factors with which influence them to become who they are such as physical appearances and personality characteristics. Nurturing impacts people’s lives as well as how they are raised and all the environmental factors. In combination, these qualities can be the true identity of oneself. Many people may argue that nurture appears to a play huge factor in the two, but others may think otherwise. Not having both as a characteristic can have a negative effect on a person physically and mentally. The debate of nature versus nurture appears to be the oldest argument known to man, and it still remains to be unanswered. In the old-age argument nature versus nurture, nature may play a huge role in determining a person’s true identity.
The nature vs nurture issue has been a controversial argument among psychologist for decades. This argument exposes two different views. One of them emphasizes that our personality depends solely on genetics (nature). On the other hand, the second view suggests that humans “develop through experience” (Myers 2013, SG 6) (nurture).
Nature Vs Nurture centers on how much of a person’s biological, cognitive, personal and social development can be attributed to either the genetic (hereditary) determinism i.e. nature or the environmental determinism i.e. nurture.
In psychology, it has long been debated whether nature or nurture influence human behaviours more extensively. This has captured the interest of many psychologists as determining an answer can improve society. For instance, if it is proven that nurture significantly impacts human development greater than nature, we can nurture children to abstain from violence and drugs, resulting in a decrease of crime in society. Nurture refers to the environmental factors and thus the experiences and upbringing of people were studied to see how it affected their development. For example, the Zimbardo Prison Study, Harlow’s Monkey Experiments, and Genie are all exceptional examples of how nurture affects cognitive development and behaviors. Conversely, nature refers to the genetic factors that affect human development. To support this argument that genetics play a more significant role in human behaviours and development, psychologists focused on studying siblings and children. More specifically, The Boy With No Penis, the Jim siblings, and Sandra Scarr’s observations were studied to further understand the heritability of certain behavioral traits and the undeterring quality of nature. By examining these experiments and studies, a possible answer can be reached.
Which is the most influential and/or powerful influence, nature or nurture? I believe that nurture is in fact, the most developing influence between the two. I believe this because nurture develops a kids future. nature is just genetics. However, nurture, is when you get older and you pick up hobbies along the way and change, which is a lot of years ahead in your life. In conclusion, nurture takes the majority of years when growing up, which means it is stronger and is growing while nature is shrinking (in genetics and real life).
Nurture commonly impacts personality more than nature. The importance of nurture should be recognized. Although identical twins look alike, doesn’t necessarily mean they act alike. My character has developed throughout my childhood. Studies show that nurture has the greater impact on character than nature. The next time you wonder what makes you, you, think back to how your parents raised you.
Personality is a frequently cited example of a heritable trait that has been studied in twins and adoptions. Identical twins reared apart are more similar in personality than randomly selected pairs of people. Likewise, identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins. Also, biological siblings are more similar in personality than adoptive siblings. Each suggests that personality is a heritable trait.
Nightly on the news, you see stories about multiple instances of violence: killings, shootings, murders and such. In the school settings, kids get bullied on the playground or even in the classroom. All of these are forms of aggression, but does anyone stop and think why we are that way? The answer is found in the classic debate in Psychology, Nature vs. Nurture. Aggression is caused by learned behavior, not through genetics.
Susan Evers and Sharon McKendrick, the famous identical twins from the movie The Parent Trap, were separated at a young age by their divorcing parents. Sharon grew up in Boston to a socialite mother while Susan grew up in California on her father’s ranch. Sharon had structure while Susan’s life was very laid back. They looked the same and liked many of the same things, yet their personalities were very different. What is responsible for these differences? Is it simply that they are two different people with different interests and preferences? Or did the environments that they grew up in play a part in making who they are? In the nature vs. nurture controversy, nature proclaims that our genetic make-up plays the primary role in human
1. Some people have argued that the Johns Hopkins psychologist used this opportunity as an experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid?
For many years, psychologists have been interested in studying human behavior and how our brains function. Psychological research has been mainly geared towards discovering parts of the brain, and the environment that influences our behavior as individuals. In other words, research aims to provide reasons why people behave the way they do, and what makes individuals different from each other. Much to the joy of experts in the field, major strides have been made in not only understanding, but also predicting human behavior. Concepts such as the influence of nature versus nurture on personal development, introversion or extroversion, and introspection have provided more insight into the way people think and interact with others and the environment.
Do like barbeque? Adore barbeque? Does the Texas tradition of smoked meats entice you? Are you easily seduced by a succulent brisket? If your answer is yes, read this review, if your answer is no, read this review and seriously contemplate whether you are lying to yourself.
Of course, to every argument there has to be two sides. Some scientists argue that the way we are and act is not necessarily all determined by our genes. Believers of this side think that our behavioral aspects are derived from the environment in which we are brought up in. In the theory of nurture, our behaviors are not instinctive, but are learned throughout our lives. For example, we all laugh and cry at different time and under different circumstances. As humans, we learn from our surroundings and are influenced by our peers and parents. Another example of the role of nurture explaining our behaviors is that fact that we learn our fears and phobias. The key difference is that nurture alters itself from the fact that our biological make up is the only explanation for our behavior.