
Navy Seal

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The Making of a Navy Seal Jack Webb was just a normal short, strong and stocky hockey player in Toronto, Canada. He also had long dark hair and a full dark beard as soon as one would grow. Jack's father soon kicked him out due to Jack refusing to cut his hair and beard. Jack made his way to Malibu, California where he got landscaping jobs and soon had his own landscaping company. As he was coming home from work one evening he came across three hitchhikers and one of them become his wife, Lynn, and the narrator's mother. After Jack and Lynn married they moved back to Canada but not back to Toronto. The moved to a small ski town in British Columbia called Kimberley[1]. Not long after returning to Canada Jack took a job at the local hunting …show more content…

Throughout the entire book Brandon said two words that sums the message he wanted to leave with whoever was reading the book and those two words are "Excellence Matters." [1]2,252,9 miles (3.625.5 km) away from Toronto. It is also 34 hours away by car [2] 12,972 feet in length. Stretches from British Columbia and Alberta. [3] Inflammation of the area just below the knee where the tendon attaches to the shin bone. This is also a common cause of knee pain in growing adolescents. ( This Occurs in growing adolescents that are involved in sports that require a lot of running, jumping and swift changes in direction ( This can also cause a painful lump , which is what Brandon had. [4] The Navy SEALs stands for the Navy's Sea, Air, Land Teams. [5] This Requires each candidate to be between 18 and 28 with good eyesight and a high school diploma or a GED. Must pass the test that has each candidate to swim 500 yards in 12 minutes and 30 seconds, do 42 push-ups in two minutes and 50 sit-ups in two minutes and do six chin-ups and run one and a half mile in 11 minutes or less with minimal rest in between each

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