The United States government has long felt the need to maintain a strong Navy. In doing so they had to keep up with advancements in technology. During the civil war in the Brooklyn harbor the United States Navy built a vessel that would duel the South’s vessel the CSS Virginia. The battle would be the first of the kind in that for the first time two Ironclad vessels would battle. The purpose of the Ironclad warship was not new to the United Sates government. There had been previous attempts at making such a vessel, most notably by the Koreans. At the time of the Civil War there were two types of Ironclads the monitor and the casemate. As described “A monitor was a low-freeboard steamship with a small number of heavy guns in a turret. …show more content…
The engine of the USS Monitor along with numerous other parts of the ship was designed by John Ericsson. The engine was a steam, single cylinder vibrating lever engine generated by two fire tube boilers” (military factory). The engine turned a nine inch diameter shaft which turned the propeller. This engine generated approximately 300 horsepower and was capable of driving the Monitor at six knots. The part of the ship for which the USS Monitor is most famous is the turret. The turret is circular in design and is made to house guns. The turret was made of one inch steel plates and weighing one hundred and twenty tons. The turret was twenty one and a half feet in diameter and nine feet tall. The turret housed the Dahlgren guns. During battle two of the crew members would man the turret. The Battle of Hampton Roads for which the USS Monitor is famous took place on March eighth 1862. It was not until the next morning that the USS Monitor would appear for battle. After sinking two ships and reengaging battle to sink the frigate Minnesota, the Monitor would appear for battle. During the engagement both ships received minor damage of which the Monitor’s turret was damaged causing it to turn continuously during the engagement. Around noon the Monitor disengaged from the battle in order to resupply ammunition. While the Monitor was resupplying, the Virginia refocused on the Minnesota, setting the ship on fire. After seeing the Monitor disengage
The ironclad CSS Virginia began a naval engagement on the Union fleet. On March 8, the battle lasted throughout the day. This engagement was part of a Confederate effort to break the Union blockade of the Southern ports. Unfortunately, the USS Monitor did not arrive in Hampton Roads until later at night, too late to preserve many of the Union ships from destruction.
After the battle the Union was so impressed they “built a fleet of fifty Monitor class Ironclads(Civil War).” Ericsson also made “monitors fo other nations and gunboats for Spain.” (Encyclopedia).
The Makings Of A Navy SEAL by Brandon Webb and forwarded by Marcus Luttrell is about Brandon Webb's life on his journey becoming a Navy SEAL. Brandon went through very tough times and also learned how much it took to become a Navy SEAL. After reading this book, I became captivated on Branon’s life. I think that he was a great person and was surprised how much he had to go through to become a Navy SEAL and a Navy SEAL sniper.
A. sank the entire Spanish fleet in Manila without a single American loss of life
Firstly, the ironclad ship helped the Union gain power in naval warfare in the oceans and the rivers. One piece of evidence that supports this is “After building just eight paddle steamers between 1837 and 1852, the American navy commissioned none until after the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, when vessels of all types would be added for the blockade of the rebellious
It ran off of twin 300 horsepower engines that were powered by coal burning boilers.
While Burnside had been waiting for two weeks he saw how the Confederates were positioned; even though the Confederates had the advantage he still believed he could win. The night before Burnside was going to start building the pontoons, he sent a message to Lincoln saying, “We hope to succeed.” So, on the night of Wednesday, December 10, 1862, the engineers started to build the pontoons. However, another general from the South, General Will Barkslade, was right above the area where the engineers were and whenever a soldier went to check on the progress of the pontoons, the Confederates would shoot at them.
On the morning of march 8 1862 the confederate ironclad CSS. Virginia steamed out of its port at Norfolk Virginia and towards the union blockade. The goal of the Virginia’s commander Franklin Buchanan was to break the blockade of Norfolk Harbor which held one of the largest naval bases in the Americas. At about 2 pm she spotted the USS Cumberland. Buchanan ordered the ship to ram the Cumberland with its 1500 pound ram which lodged itself in the cumberlands bow completely shredding it’s hull. The cumberland began to sink rapidly with the virginia still logged in its bow. The Virginia managed to pull herself free but in the process the iron ram broke off and sank. Not knowing this the nearby USS congress a nearby frigate attempted to take the fight to shallow water but in the process ran herself aground. The now helpless congress came under fire from the virginia’s 9 inch guns which ripped the frigate apart. The congress then raised a white flag and the Virginias captain came above deck to accept but a musket ball from shore hit him in the arm. The now angry Captain Buchanan ordered the Virginia to fire anti crew shots at the now barely afloat Congress.
On March 9, 1862, the battle between the Union’s USS Monitor and the Confederate’s USS Merrimack was history’s first duel between ironclad warships. The cannons bounced effortlessly off the iron armor of the boats. This battle was known as the Battle of Hampton Roads and was part of the Confederate effort to break the Union blockade of Southern ports. This battle ended in a draw where neither side could declare victory, but it started the era of naval warfare. The use of ironclads marked the end of thousands of years of wooden warships.
The Eastport was an Ironclad that the Confederate Navy tried to make into an unstoppable war vessel. The vessel was planned to be a gigantic armored ship that could withstand incredible durability. It could man 150 people at a time and carry thousands of pounds of supplies. But it was lost to a Union attack on Fort Henry where it lay during construction. When the Union found it they finished construction on it and it became one of the strongest vessels in the war. But it was very slow and could not navigate more shallow water because of fear of mines in the water. The best feature was its revolving cannons that they could turn to any area within a 90-degree radius of itself; it was made as a full war machine. (Source 2)
In November of 1861, the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, sent two Confederate envoys, James Mason and John Slidell on a mission. They were sailing to England and France, on a British ship named Trent. They were traveling to Great Britain to get support for the southern states in the Civil War. At that time, the British had been neutral in the Civil War issues in the United States. The crisis started when a union captain of the USS San Jacinto, named Charles Wilkes, captured and arrested Mason and Slidell. These prisoners were sent to a prison called Fort Warren. This made the British government angry because it was a violation of international law to board and search a ship without permission. The British sent a messages to
The civil war had many new technologies arise that made it unique compared to the wars of the past. One of these technological improvements was the introduction of the Ironclad warship. This technology was introduced during the showdown between the Monitor and the Merrimac . These two Ironclad warships fought to a stalemate , but this struggle forever changed how ships would be designed. Another technology that had not existed in previous wars in american history was the reconnaissance balloon it allowed the union to gather information and send it through telegraph to the various commanders. The civil war brought the first submarine, The CSS Hunley. The Hunley successfully sank the Union ship Housatonic, but unfortunately the Hunley itself was damaged. The submarine would eventually prove to be important for all armies in the wars to come.
Macbeth drives himself mad with ambition and fear, at first not seeming to be a man who is able to kill ruthlessly. But, due to Macbeth's overrun consciousness, he changed into a remorseless, bloodthirsty tyrant, unable to be stopped. Shakespeare's "Macbeth" focuses upon the disastrous consequences of a man's unchecked ego, power, and guilt-driven paranoia. Shakespeare criticizes the horrible nature and cruelty of man through Macbeth, through his bloodlust and ego. Initially Macbeth has a deep desire for power but he has never considered to act upon it, not until he receives a prophecy that he will be King.
Since the very beginning it was first established, the Coast Guard was never seen as important to the people for about 200 years. Why is it that they’ve never had notice? How come they do all the dirty work in the ocean and no one seems to care? Well the Coast Guard is the reason why the United States has been protected, so that we can go to bed at night knowing that nothing’s going to happen to us. There are many reasons to why the Coast Guard is so important to society. The U.S. Coast is a huge part of our military and follows certain goals on the ocean to protect us from harm. There are also individuals who are aware of the situations that the Coast Guards are going through and by helping they get involved with some of the minor
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