I. Introduction
The topic of my comparative essay will be to compare and contrast the different viewpoint of the nebular hypothesis (old-earth secular view) vs. six day creation (young-earth view) on the topic original creation of the earth.
II. Old-Earth Secular view
The old-earth secular view that I chose for my essay is the nebular hypothesis. The nebular hypothesis proposes that the sun, earth, and the rest of the solar system came from a cloud of dust and gas. This is the most accepted explanation of how the planets and stars came about. The nebular hypothesis was first developed in the 18th century by Emanuel Swedeburg, Immanuel Kallt, and Pierre- semsne laplace. They had different theories which were constantly challenged by numerous
The Masoretic text translated gives exact same number of Generations of Genesis. The Septuagint number varies. Both Old and New Earth agree with some facts that observes present nature of Rocks. They differ with the un-observed past and the facts viewed from history. Scientist tries to use historical reconstruction of the universe and they also use data research and analysis of empirical science. Our text book says “Historical reconstruction, however legitimate, is a totally different enterprise”.
This is a comparative essay and its purpose is to compare old-Earth and young-Earth viewpoints on Dating the rocks of the Grand Canyon. There are different views on this and no scientific method that can prove (completely) the age of the universe or the earth. There are the use of different types of calculations that can provide some guesses on the age of the earth. Many things need to be assumed such as a beginning date and the speed of change along with varying increases and decreases of material over time. “Young-Earth Creationism” (YEC) is based on a precept that earth and the universe were created by God, only 6,000 years ago in six days. Their position is that by examining geological records the scientific details of
I am a very determined person and I am so competitive it's almost unhealthy. I have always been determined to be the strongest, be the best, be someone people won’t forget. I haven’t ever been the best until I was determined to be better than everyone else. Everything to be in a competition, I try to lift more than people, be faster than people, get better test scores than people; no matter what it is, I want to be the best. According to the book “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell, “it takes roughly ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field”
The young earth and old earth was not always a debated topic. Before the 18th century not many people believed in an old earth, the majority of people believed that it was about 6,000 years old. But during the 1700s, people began to challenge the age of the earth. Three of the many men who advanced the theory
L. Vardiman, A.A. Snelling and E.F. Chaffin (Eds.), Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Results of a Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative, Institute for Creation Research, Santee, California, and Creation Research Society, St. Joseph, Missouri, 2000.
It has been known for well over a century now that the Earth’s core, mantle and the crust make up the basic structure of the Earth. However, there is some controversy over how and when the Earth produced its core, mantle and crust. In this essay, I will first discuss about the formation of the Early Earth and its Moon, then about the methods used to pinpoint the age of the Earth. Other than that, I will also expand on core and mantle formation, as well as the eventual production of the continental crust.
In Petra Christian University, I have taken several accounting subjects such as Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and International Accounting. While in finance subjects, I have taken Financial Management and International Financial Management. Thus, I am able to say that I am familiar with the concept of finance and accounting.
The discovery of water in the Orion Nebula will undoubtedly provide the basis for further study. More specifically, it will prompt scientists to search for water in other regions of space at different stages of star formation. Then, if water is present in each, it may suggest that "the oceans of Earth are older than even the planet that now contains them." 7
I agree with you that there are many concepts that can account for a young-Earth creation. You mentioned a few, such as sediment; rocks; fossils; and the sun, all of which indicate that they have not been around for a very long time. Most young-Earth Creationists believe that the Earth has only been around between 6,000 but no more than 10,000 years (“What is Young Earth Creationism,” 2017).
Good post! I enjoyed reading it. You said that the clergy provided the people with a link to the divine, something Marx would term as the “opiate of the masses.” I agree with you about implementing Marx’s social class structure into the Medieval Ages. The clergy was a social class during the Medieval Ages, and today, there is no class like that in the modern world, and also Marx did not mention about this kind of class, either. Of course, Marx’s social classes are typically different from the one in the Medieval Ages a little bit because today’s workers cannot buy labor power, but they sell their labor power.
The story of creation begins with Genesis 1 and 2, it explains how the world and it’s living inhabitants were created from God’s touch. From Genesis 1 we see how the sky, seas, land, animals, and mankind were created. However Genesis 2 focuses more on the first of mankind, known as Adam and Eve and how they are made to be. In this paper I will compare Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and what the main idea for creation is in each one, however in my opinion there is no contradiction between the two. Genesis 2 merely fills in the details that are "headlined" in Genesis 1.
Life has continually perplexed and fascinated individuals since the dawn of mankind. The subject’s complexity is so great even over the course of human existence only a minute fraction of its mysteries have been unraveled. A phenomenon which has always intrigued scientists is the origin of life on Earth, and in recent years significant advancements have been made in the understanding of this enigma. This essay will briefly outline two theories regarding life’s origin on Earth to further comprehend why an explanation for this phenomenon has been so difficult to reach.
The first position is that of young earth creationism. Additionally, this is what most people mean when referring to “creationism.” This is primarily due to the fact that the creationists visible in the public eye during the creation-evolution debate were most likely to hold young earth creationist views. Additionally, the terms “recent earth” or “recent creation” have been used to refer to this same position. These terms clearly define their position as one in which the creation of the world occurred somewhat recently, that is, the world is young. However, it obviously doesn 't provide us with much information beyond that. To begin with, how young is the world? In order to help answer this and other questions concerning young earth creationism, biologist and philosopher of science Paul Nelson and philosopher John Mark Reynolds, both fellows of the Center for Science and Culture under the Discovery Institute, present with their viewpoint
For decades the age of the Earth has been a major conflict between science and religion, but why is it such a big conflict? If, in the year AD 1600, an individual had asked an educated European how old the planet Earth was and to recount its history, the response would have been that it was about 6000 years old and that its ancient history was given by the biblical account in Genesis (Changing Views of the History of the Earth). If one asked the same question of an educated European in AD 1900, one would have received a totally different answer (Changing Views of the History of the Earth). The answer would have been the Earth was ancient, there had not been a Noachian flood, and that the species of life had not been fixed over the history of Earth (Changing Views of the History of the Earth). In short, Genesis was an allegory and not literal history (Changing Views of the History of the Earth). This brings up the different views between “young earth creationists” and “old earth creationists” and those that support an infinite universe. The problem today is each side contains major valid points of evidence of both biblical and scientific, on the age of the planet Earth.
Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other fragments became asteroids and comets,