
Neddy Merrill's The Swimmer

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They say when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade, but from what I observed, sometimes all you can make is untasteful, disgusting sugarless lemon-water. The Swimmer is a short story based on the adventure of suburban man name Neddy Merrill. Merrill is a heavy drinker, a swimmer and somewhat popular man. As Merrill sat down by the Westerhazy’s is pool in a hot sunny day drinking gin, he came up with the idea to swim from pool to pool until he reaches his house. He swam from his the Westerhazys’ is pool to the Grahams’, from the Grahams’ to the Howlands’ and so on. The Swimmer is a metaphorical story; it is portraying life as the pool, and Merrill as everybody are taking risk to reach their goal and fulfil their dream. The story reminds of girl from my hometown name Sandy. Sandy was a very smart girl with a lot dreams unfortunately, with no way to fulfil them. Although, she did not have a lot, …show more content…

She was indeed a virtuous girl with a lot of wisdom, children looked up to her. Unlike, most children in the neighborhood, she did not have the opportunity to attend private schools, but she went to the best public school in the city and make the best out of it. As one of the best students at her school, she used to participate in yearly intelligence competitions; the biggest one was the inter-schools Connaissance Générale competition which is French for General Knowledge competition. Sandy had to work twice harder than any other students. Every morning she had to wake up at 04:00; she had one hour to go though her notes, memorized her lessons, and at 05:00 to start make breakfast, clean her aunt is house and make sure that her cousin Tiana ate, and all dresses for school. She was merely a

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