
Negative Effects Of Credit Cards

Decent Essays

Credit cards are a staple of the American lifestyle. There are very few people who do not have a credit card, and the ones who do often depend on it. The credit scores these people earn from using their credit card can even determine if they can buy a house. However, there are some serious problems with credit cards. Specifically, how they are used. Furthermore, the psychological forces involved with credit drives many to spend what they don’t have. Millions of Americans are in extreme consumer debt and are incapable paying it off. This unchecked spending aggravates inequality between the rich and the poor and visible minorities and their majority counterparts. Those who are financially uneducated become poorer with their credit use, visible minorities face discrimination when getting credit, and those who are wealthy are financially educated use credit to further their wealth. These all further inequality, and the repercussions are often most felt by the poor. There are clearly different levels of income and financial flexibility, but the effects of credit-based inequality are most felt at the bottom of the economic chain. Those sitting around and below the poverty line frequently use credit to buy food, water, clothing, and afford their housing. With the income they make, they often do not have the funds to buy these necessities, so they use credit to buy what they need and what they want. However, they only pay the minimum fee on their bill, so they collect extensive

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