
Negative Effects Of Designer Babies

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One of the most controversial scientific issues concerning the welfare of the human population is using gene therapy on a developing embryo. Although some individuals deem designer babies as "build-a-bear babies that evoke fears of Gattaca, Brave New World, and the Nazis' quest for a blonde, blue-eyed race of Aryans,” there are more beneficial health aspects that correlate with creating designer babies than these stereotypical negatives (“The Need to Regulate 'Designer Babies”). Due to a larger aging population as a cause of the advancing medical technology, there is a higher probability for degenerative and genetic disorders to appear in an individual’s life as these particular adversities can appear with age. Even though genetic therapy can promote stereotypes and encourage the generalization of the society, it can prevent many common controversial negatives that the aging population is dealing with today. Individuals should utilize the advancing genetic technology to create designer babies as this can reduce the prevalence of genetic disorders, increase life span, decrease the expenditure on accumulating treatments, and promote liberality on scientific issues. As designer babies emerge from the genetically adjusting inherited traits, the prevalence of genetic disorders can ultimately diminish. Genetic disorders such as “Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell, Hemophilia, and Cystic Fibrosis” have no established cure as of today; however, gene therapy in a developing embryo can eliminate

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