
Procrastination Essay

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Procrastination is a habit that has existed since the beginning of time and it certainly a problem for many students. Procrastinators actively look for distractions, particularly ones that doesn 't take much of commitment on their part; playing games are almost perfect for this purpose. Procrastinator distracts themselves as a way of regulating their emotions such as fear of failure. They also may actually think they get a thrill out of delaying their work and believe they work best under pressure. At its core, student procrastinate to keep themselves happy in the moment until they’re pulling an all-nighter to meet the deadline they had weeks to prepare for. Furthermore, I am not an exemption procrastinating dwell in me. Procrastinating is …show more content…

There were a chunk load of studying that I have to study for the exam, five chapters, approximately 40 pages long for each chapter, that I needed to go over. But, I struggled with my will-power to get things started, lacking the motivation to begin reading, so I thought, perhaps reading one chapter a day for the last five days before the exam day is a solution. The scrap paper that I shove in my notebook wasn’t helpful. I kept looking back at it to make sure I still have plenty time to study but I never have it started yet until the fifth day before the exam. A week before the exam was completely a freedom to be able to play games and worry about the exam later. The sixth day before the exam I was still not in the mood to study. The fifth day before the exam, I went to the library to improve my concentration. The library was very quiet and filled by people studying. I chose to sit all the way in the back corner of the library, away from others. As soon as I sat down, I turned to the first page of my assigned chapter. I read through many pages but, I realized that my brain wasn’t able to process anything I was reading. I was exhausted from the difficulty of understanding the material, so I decide to pack it away for the day. The fourth day before the exam, I spent my time to clean my room so that I can start studying without the distraction of my messy room. The third day before the exam, on Saturday, I worked at supermarket from 11am to

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