
Negative Effects Of Social Media On Teenagers

Decent Essays

Social media has a negative impact on teenagers

Teens spend hours and hours of their day on social media. Studies show that an average teen spends roughly about 27 hours a week on the internet. A majority of people today use at least one form of social media; it has it’s positives, there are lots of things good about social media- sharing photos and videos with your friends, getting to talk with people you know, seeing what other people are doing. Then there is the questions, is social media is putting too much pressure on society? Does social media ruin our connection/relationship with people offline? Do people feel like they need to change to fit in with what they see online?

Lets look at ways that social media could be putting too much pressure on society: models who post photos in small amounts of clothing showing off their ‘perfect’ figures or beauty bloggers who spend hundred of pounds on make up to change the way their face looks completely. Most of the time what we see on social media is very different to what is behind the screen; most teens don’t consider this. Often teens feel like they have to change the way they look or keep up with popular trends just to feel like they are good enough. Teens scroll through their phone for ages looking at other peoples posts thinking ‘wow their so pretty’ or ‘they have such an exiting life’, this can make teens feel like they need to live up to the standard of there internet role models. People create a false version of

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