Implicit personality theory, negative halo, attribution theory, ought self, and relational uppers are 5 specific concepts from chapter 3 that relate to the film. Implicit personality theory is “ the theory that we rely on a set of a few characteristics to draw inferences about others and use these inferences as the basis of our communication with them” (Richard and Turner 62). The way a person acts is a way that we believe communicate back. In the short clip of Cipher in the Snow, Cliff was quiet and kept to himself, because of this no one reached out to him. Others didn’t think Cliff would talk back so they stayed away. Negative halo is “the result of grouping negative qualities together” (Richard and Turner 62). Through this negative halo …show more content…
This theory is us making an excuse on why a person is acting indifferent and skipping straight to conclusions without understanding what the person is actually going through. In the short clip Cliff was struggling with his parents getting a divorce. Cliff didn’t talk very much because he kept to himself, his new Step-Dad thought he was stupid. Ought self is the “attributes an individual should possess” (Richard and Turner 64). This is knowing what we should ‘do’ but being incapable of accomplishing so. Cliff knew he should be playing with the other kids in the snow during recesses so he tried to join in, but the other kids opposed and wouldn't let him. Relational uppers are “people who support and trust us as we improve our self-concept” (Richard and Turner 67). Some examples of people like so are parents, teachers, extended family, or friends. Their love, support, and care keeps a person going. In Cipher in the Snow, Cliff didn’t have anyone for a relational upper. No one helped or cared for him. His self-concept died because of this. Mr. Collins discovered how zeroed out Cliff was as he investigated. Mr. Collins decided from there on out he would never let another kid go unwatched and cared for. Mr. Collins declared being a relational
The book contains a series of breakdowns of thoughts, outlooks, and emotional schemes. There are numerous exercises that help one to come to terms with issues relating to the various chapters the book contains. Some are more specific than others and require serious dedication to exercises, such as writing letters to your inner child, some are different tasks than others such as clearing your mind and imagining good in a specific person. As I
2) What are some of the themes that are central to the film? How have they been communicated?
Ben-Shahar speaks correctly while discussing how individuals must give themselves permission to experience negative feelings before they reach the point where they can completely experience the positive feelings. Therefore, positive feelings are inadvertently blocked by negative feelings. Dr. Mathieu (2011) from Psychology Today, discusses how “providing so many positive solutions can inadvertently blame people for their suffering” (para. 3). Henceforth, whenever people see articles on being happy and social media posts where everyone has their happiest face on, they do not accept the it is okay to have negative feelings as well. Ben-Shahar discusses how many people feel inferior while experiencing negative feelings, but in reality every person except the dead and psychopathic experience the same feelings. Counseling Directory (2016) identifies that “we are continually setting ourselves up to fail” (para. 5). Furthermore, acting as part of the human race means that individuals are imperfect. Striving to reach perfection is the beginning of failure because of the impossibility forever block the
For this assignment I have chosen to focus on the film Good Will Hunting primarily because I have seen the movie prior to this course and I feel it is one of the best films I have gotten a chance to see. Will Hunting's profound genius was as much a burden as it was a gift. Initially seeing the film I enjoyed it but viewing the film in the scope of all that I have learned in this course made the viewing experience much more meaningful, as I now had a deeper understanding of Will's internal conficts, and how they directly effected his relationships, beliefs, and actions. The film is an excellent example of the issues involving interpersonal communication and how they play a part in either making or breaking our
From supporting evidence and three quotes, shows my thinking that the theme of the book is that not everybody is like you think they
The first and probably the most prominent psychological concept that is portrayed in the film is
Burger (2008), says that there are many theories of personality and psychologists try to explain it with their own approaches. Discussed here will be the psychoanalytic approach, the trait approach, the biological approach the humanistic approach, the behavioural/social learning approach and the cognitive approach. They were devised to search for specific patterns in behaviour and ways of thinking about these
Perhaps some of the most common patterns of thought in this movie are persuasion, conformity, and minority influence.
Every single individual has a personality; it is the very quintessence of human existence. Personality drives our interactions with others, our desires – conscious and unconscious, our perceived needs, and to a certain extent, even our actions. Psychodynamic approaches to personality are focused on the belief that we have virtually no control over our own personality, that it is primarily controlled by unconscious powers. Social cognitive approaches to personality centers around the belief that we still have
human nature. These three authors show that there is more to people than just the
The behaviourist perspective is an idea that we can understand any type of behaviour by looking at what the person has learner. This includes personality traits such as shyness, confidence, optimism or pessimism. Behaviourist psychologists explain all human behaviour as resulting from experience. Two key psychologists are Pavlov and Skinner, although these two theorists believed that different processes were involved, they both explained all types of behaviour as being the result of learning. This is everything from shyness to aggression and happiness to depression.
gives a trait of themselves that plays a role in the movie. The basic summary of the movie is that
The word personality is known as quite a diverse concept and can be described differently in accordance to different people, it comes from the word persona which is a Latin term and is referred to as a mask which actors use when performing. Based on this it could be concluded that characteristics which are visible along with external characteristics (the aspects of us in which can be seen by others) is what personality refers to, (Schultz and Scultz, 2004). Another definition of personality by a different psychologist is “The dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations, and behaviours in various situations.” (Rychman, 1999: 5). There are many areas of personality
1. What is the true subject or the theme of the film, and What kind of statement, if any, does the film make about the subject? Which elements and which themes contributed most to addressing the theme of the film?
Personality takes many shapes and forms and is affected by many factors. My understanding of personality is simply a genetic and environmentally determined set of psychological traits that influence our reactions in the world around us. Genetic because our parents possess a certain set of psychological personality traits that we tend to have in common with them so therefore in my opinion there are heritable personality traits. Personality is environmental because we each have our own separate experiences in the world and these experiences help form our unique personality. Neo-Freudians such as Jung have given us a wide array of ideas of how they believe personality is developed and formatted. Jung in particular has a very interesting take on personality. It is this theory that I can most resonate with and apply to myself and even friends and family of mine.