Description Positive attitudes Negative attitudes Strongly Agree (SA) 4.50 - 5 .00 1 Agree (A) 3.50 - 4.49 2 Undecided (U) 2.50 - 3.49 3 Disagree (D) 1.50 - 2.49 4 Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00 – 1.49 5
Each participant rated 4 healthcare and health related questions on a 1-5 scale (with 1 being very unlikely to 5 being very likely). Each rating was made on a 5 point scale, where lower values indicated more negative responses to each question, and higher values indicated more positive responses.
There are three different themes when discussing creation myths: the motif of separation, the three-genes, and the motif of succession. The motif of succession is the most common theme out of the three. The motif of succession involves a fight between the older and younger gods. The younger gods will most likely fight the older gods and overthrow them. Due to the conflict between the older and younger gods, the beginning of the cosmic order comes into place.
followed with a discussion about the results at the lower end of the scale and potential factors for
Participants responded to each of the 29 items on this questionnaire using a six-point Likert scale ranging from one (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). Each of the twenty nine individual answers we added up and divided by the number of questions. Higher scores on the study indicated higher levels of happiness.
The surveys asked the respondents to provide a rating for each question using the scale below:
Five-point Likert scale was used to in the design of the questionnaire, anchored from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The plain language statement was provided in the front page of the questionnaire so that participant could understand the purpose of survey. It also gave them a quick idea of what the questionnaire is about.
These three topics were then measured using a five-point scale (1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree) as well as other measures (source).
were assessed. The five-item, Likert-type attitude scale explained 54% of the variance in attitude scores and
The Likert scale, a variation of the summated rating scale, is used to measure a participant’s attitude towards statements as either favorable or unfavorable (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.278). In this particular problem, my opinion of the educational degree program in which I am enrolled will be evaluated. Five response categories are being used in the survey, which includes Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Each response will be valued with a number from 1-5, reflecting the degree of a participant’s positive or negative attitude. Normally, Strongly Agree (SA) represents the most positive attitude and has a scale value of 5, but there is an exception to this criterion if the statement is worded negatively. For example, questions a, d, and f below are considered to be negative statements. If a negative statement occurs, assigned numerical values are reversed to ensure consistent results, whereas a scale value of 5 represents the most negative attitude and a value of 1 is most positive (p. 278). Likert scales produce ordinal data, but not all in the world of research believe that these scales are used correctly. Some researchers/experts believe that ordinal data does not produce mean values as normal practice would suggest. As a result of this belief, drawn conclusions from Likert scales are skeptical in their minds and should be evaluated with caution.
Science is a measurement of true knowledge to the world and for some is a bragging front to show the amount of intelligence and power some countries have. Through certain aspects of science, countries can demonstrate any amount of dominance they have by demonstrating new technologies and theories. Fusion and Fission is one of the great explorations that man has discovered due to the benefits it brings to human life. The promise of fusion is enormous due to how big of an energy system it gives and it comes together by fuel that is obtained by seawater and is also mixed with lithium from the earth’s crust. Most people get Fission and Fusion confused and they figure that it is the same thing.
The version utilised was a 40-item, forced-choice, self-report questionnaire ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. A participant can score 0,1 or 2 on an item in the questionnaire; therefore the maximum score is eighty, see appendix …
For the following questions, PLEASE tick (√) your answer according to the degree of your agreement. [e.g., 5 = ‘highly agree’, 4 = ‘moderately agree’, 3 = ‘agree’, 2 = ‘moderately disagree’, 1 =‘highly disagree’]
The study identified that 20 percent of respondents agreed, 48.5 percent of respondents strongly agreed and 31.5 percent of respondents very strongly agreed with the
The study participants responded from a scale of I-7, 1- strongly agree to 7- strongly disagree
Twice a month students will take a survey that asks them to answer ranging questions from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”, or “extremely well” to “not at all well”. Other questions may be true or false or ranked one