
Neighborhood Watch

Good Essays

Neighborhood Watch:
Let’s Partner with Law Enforcement: Let’s Be Vigilant: Let’s Legislate!
By: Shelly Ray
Date: 07/15/13

Over the weekend, the nation watched and listened as the “Not Guilty” verdict was read for second degree murder and manslaughter charges in the case of George Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman is the 29 year old neighborhood watchman man and man who fired the fatal shot of 17 year old Trayvon Martin on the evening of February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. The subject I will bring before you is that of a personal interest, for I live in a gated community that has a neighborhood watch program.

This case has captured the nation’s attention and has shined a spotlight in many areas of interest ranging from self defense to …show more content…

Last and certainly not least I respect and abide by the laws of our country. If each municipal local governing agency would pass legislation to ensure the safety of neighborhoods, communities, civilians, law enforcement and government officials under due proper guidelines, all will have knowledge of what can and can not be done as a neighborhood watch person. The National Institute of Justice prepared a report to the United States Congress entitled “Preventing Crime: What Works; What Doesn’t; What’s Promising.” The primary conclusion of the report found that in part enacting programs in different local communities sometimes work, sometimes don’t work in curving crime and in monitoring the effectiveness of community organizations and neighborhood watch programs. The report dug into the monies spent for federally to be used in local communities. In 1996, $1.4 billion was used in funding of local police by the Office for Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS), and $1.8 billion in local crime prevention assistance funding of a wide range of institutions by the Office for Justice Programs (OJP). Although funding is still being received and legislation being enacted, it is primarily up to local communities to pass legislation that is in the best interest of all of the citizens in each respective community.

In Conclusion, our society has a fundamental principal that says “I am my brother’s keeper.” The Neighborhood Watch program

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