
Neither Man Nor Wom The Hijras Of India By Rudolf Pell Gaudio

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For my Ethnography Review, I have chosen to read Serena Nanda’s Neither Man nor Woman: The Hijras of India and Allah Made Us: Sexual Outlaws in an Islamic African City by Rudolf Pell Gaudio. I chose these two ethnographers because they both have a common theme: religion. I am interested in learning about the role religion plays in the topic of gender and sexuality. Nanda’s narrative is a cultural study of the hijras of India (a religious community of men who dress and act as women) while Gaudio’s story analyzes the social experiences of ‘yan daudu (feminine men in the religious Hausa-speaking region of northern Nigeria). These two ethnographies provide a wonderful opportunity for me to study the gender categories and human sexual …show more content…

For an individual to become a hijra, there is no essential trait (psychological, biological, or environmental) that leads them to this fate; hence, it is extremely difficult to generalize into a single group. As they are comprised of hermaphrodites (a person having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics) and eunuchs (castrated men), Hijras do not consider themselves as men or women, rather they take on an aspect of femininity that is artificial (Nanda 1992:10). Due to their sexual impotence, hijras have a somewhat greater spiritual connection to their goddess Bahuchara than their other Hindu counterparts, and so they distinguish themselves as essential and unique to their society (Nanda 1992:10). According to Nanda (1992:11) hijras are of value to their community due to their spirituality and for their involvement in the following two aspects of births: (1) they perform and entertain at the births of sons; and (2) they bestow fertility onto newborn infants. Although hijras perform these respected roles, they often experience derision from members of the Indian society because of their work in prostitution – a contradiction to the unsullied spirituality they often lay claim

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