
Nelcy's Cognitive Development Case Study

Decent Essays

At the beginning of the video, as the narrator was introducing Nelcy, I was observing Nelcy being read a book by another child. During my observation I could recognize her musculoskeletal development. While being read too, I saw Nelcy attempt to reach and grab for the book, she was seen having the ability to point with her forefinger at some of the pages in the book. You could also see Nelcy reach, grasp, and turn the pages of the book. At Nelcy’s age of two and a half, her fine and gross motor skills would be considered delayed in their development. Nelcy’s progress with her locomotion skills were visibly underdeveloped. The deficiency in her gross motor skills has had a direct connection with her cognitive and social-emotional skills. Because …show more content…

The practice of allowing Nelcy to watch and observe Gina using the walker to assist her in her own journey of learning to walk was a great example of recognizing the state of Nelcy’s cognitive development. In this scenario I observed developing attention and developing memory. At one point the narrator explained that when Nelcy first began watching the video of Gina using her walker she was uninterested, but as time persisted she began to watch. The role of experience was apparent during this video as Nelcy had to have a gradual experience with the walker that was in her home. Delving into Nelcy’s social-emotional state, there was little to no emotional reaction from Nelcy for the duration of the video until the end. It was interesting to witness that when Nelcy was able to walk on her own is when the video depicted a more emotional Nelcy, reaching and scrunching her face to show that she wanted her mother. I would say that this video acts as a great example for being able to observe what primary intersubjectivity looks like, as Nelcy was interacting with the child reading to her and responding to the actions and sign language that the other child was

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