
Nemesis in Macbeth

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Shakespeare is aware of nemesis and the principle of retributive justice by which good characters are rewarded and the bad, appropriately punished. Evidence of this can be reflected by numerous characters in this particular play, however this literary term does not apply to everyone in Shakespeare’s, Macbeth. This play is a tragedy, one of Shakespeare’s darkest, filled arrogance and grown wild with power and hope, through violence and evil. There is no basic concept that explains the meaning of human life and ways to solve unanswered questions and injustices. Shakespeare suggests the idea of nemesis, the law of unmistaken, never-failing justice. He interoperate nemesis partially, and this idea relates to this play through various …show more content…

This results in him getting himself deeper into the hole of doom. Macbeth kills Macduff’s entire family and plans to kill him as well. However, the famous saying, “what goes around comes around” sliced Macbeth’s head off literally, when he is brutally murdered by Macduff at the end of the play. Hence, experiencing the reality of nemesis and its’ punishment. Macbeth is not the only character that was affected by nemesis, his own wife, Lady Macbeth gets what she deserves as well. In Shakespare’s play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s destiny is formed by her own actions through mind and free-will. In act I, Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to murder Duncan, even though Macbeth was strongly against it. Lady Macbeth is very successful at persuading him to go against his better judgment. She entirely changes the stereotype of women being kind and caring in the first act. After Macbeth writes home telling of his murderous plans, Lady Macbeth begins talking to evil spirits. Because women often lack the ruthlessness to kill someone, Lady Macbeth asks the spirits to make her male. One of the most vivid descriptions of Lady Macbeth’s wickedness is directly after Macbeth announces to her he does not want to kill Duncan. This speech symbolizes Lady Macbeth’s evilness. She is ruthless, because of her evil accounts for the murders that occur throughout the play. Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to commit murders that will make them king

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