There are many regulations and procedures in order to correctly keep animals in captivity; many of which focus on the safety of the viewing public, the staff involved, and the welfare and safety of the animals in question. Appropriate enclosure design is critical to all three parties.
Neofelis nebulosais is classed as a dangerous wild animal according to the document produced in 1976. Due to this it is required, by law that the enclosure is suitable and is able to hold the animal securely; monitored by local authorities. This high level of security is also covered by the Zoo Licensing Act (1981), but focuses on the welfare of the animals to ensure they are contained in a suitable environment. It is for this reason that natural trees and shrubs
On March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois, John Wayne Gacy, a murderer to be, was born. He came from Danish and Polish parents, Marion Robinson and John Stanley Gacy, and had two sisters, Karen and Joanne Gacy. John, as an overweight child, tended to isolate himself from his peers; he did not participate in any athletic activities and had very few friends. John’s father would oftentimes come home in the early mornings intoxicated, waking up his family as he stumbled through the door. Most nights, he would hit his children with a razor strap or anything else he could get his hands on, and he would then proceed to physically beat his wife as well. After years of beatings, the children learned to toughen up against him, and Gacy would even continue
Zoos are a key aspect in preserving wildlife and educating the public. They have come extremely far from what they used to be, which was an attraction where the wealthy could come to view animals — animals which were not treated humanely at all. Now zoos are under strict guidelines which explain how the animals are to be cared for. Each province has a separate set of regulatory guidelines in place to
As the animal rights movement has developed and grown substantially in recent years, there has been an increased focused on the welfare of captive animals. A popular institution that has received much attention for keeping animals captive is the zoo. Because of this focus, zoos have responded by publicizing their positive benefits for existence in order to justify keeping these animals on display. Since the term “zoo” can have a wide variety of meaning and characteristics, it is important to define what constitutes a zoo in this essay. Zoos are defined as a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures, displayed to the public, and
It is hard to tell what the future will look like in 35 years because there are many factors which play a role and some are difficult to predict. In order to project how U.S citizens will view the natural resources at that time, it is essential to understand what the future America will look like. I would base my answer on the projected circumstances I found in Joel E. Cohen’s paper called Human Population: The Next Half Century.
Zoos have become a very visited place over a person’s lifetime, whether it be for an educational school field trip or for a day of fun. It’s a wonderful experience to be able to see animals up close in a controlled environment, keeping visitors safe from these animals, however do visitors think of what the animals are going through? Zoos are not providing enough space for captivated animals to live causing numerous problems not only involving the animals, but some visitors as well. Zoos should not be allowed to hold animals in captivity unless they significantly increase the size of each cage (change cage into something else).
By discussing and comparing how animal captivity has affected these endangered animals clarity can be gained as to what is successful, what needs improvement and what is detrimental to certain species when it comes to captivity
As concerns on the status of global biodiversity heighten, the international zoo movement has gradually adopted conservation as its mantra. World-class zoos have invested substantially in species conservation and animal research as part of their involvement in wildlife conservation. However, zoo exhibit interpretation, policy development, and strategic planning are yet to be organized around a well-developed agenda with a clear set of conservation objectives (Conway, 1995). The zoo community seeks improved relevance to society by contributing to restoration of biological diversity, but faces special challenges to meeting this admirable goal of effectively support conservation of local and global biological diversity.
The use of neonicotinoids (neonics) are harming the bee population all around the world, especially in the United States. The crops the United States use as exports and for food are slowly dwindling with the lack of pollination from bees.
It is widely known that captive animals live unhappy lives. Although they are majestic and entertaining to watch, that is not what they are meant to do. On occasion, they become so overwhelmed and upset they die under the care of their false environment. The news is often restrained as much as possible from being heard. Zoos, and every so often aquariums, also breed animals and then proceed to sell them; at times even to people who use them for hunting purposes. Animals should not be held captive, it is extremely unhealthy and stressful for them.
Many people have memories of visiting a zoo or an aquarium in their childhood, but are they safe for the animals inside? Indicators for both support and opposition exist, making the debate double sided and more complex than originally thought. For example, SeaWorld recently shut down their orca breeding program because the whales were being harmed. Despite this, animals in captivity may be a necessity. Habitats being destroyed and the threat of predators and poachers are becoming more common. Zoos and aquariums can provide a safe haven from these dangers. Alternatively, some zoos and aquariums can be even more dangerous for the animals than if they were in their natural habitat. Mistreatment of animals in captivity is a problem that only seems
The issue on whether or not to keep animals in captivity has been debated heavily for a long time. With species such as the panda on the verge of extinction to mistreatment of marine mammals in theme parks such as Sea World, keeping wild animals under the care of humans has been a struggle and a highly controversial topic. Even though many people believe that animals should not be kept in captivity because humans are incapable of fully understanding and providing specific needs for wild animals, certain animals can be kept happy and healthy in captivity, and these animals are an important educational tool for teaching people of all ages about biology, biodiversity, and the ecosystems of the world.
Positive elements of animal captivity After looking at the philosophical theories supporting the use of animal captivity, I researched the positive elements to make sense of these views and to see why zoos, wildlife parks and circuses are still popular today despite the horrible stories emerging from such places. One of the most significant aspects of modern zoos is their attempt at saving endangered species, which is extremely important in today’s society due to climate change. Zoos and wildlife parks are able bring the animals into a safe environment where they are protected from poachers, habitat loss, starvation and predators, as there is more of a chance of them becoming extinct being left in the wild than in the safety of a zoo. This view is argued by Warwick Frost in his book ‘Zoos and Tourism’, where he states, ‘zoos have a role in conserving and scientifically studying endangered species and this scientific interest often extends to seeing zoos as vehicles for acclimatising and introducing ‘useful’ exotic species.’ (Frost, 2011, p.1)
Some people believe animals should be taken care of in captivity because it is to dangerous for them in the wild. Animals do not truly belong in a cage. It is not fair for the animal to live in captivity because the animal would not be able to roam freely like it could if it lived in the wild. If an animal can not make it in the wild, it needs to either adapt to the wild or die which is a way of the population controlling itself. Animals are meant to live in the wild. Once you put a animal in captivity and then decide to release it, the animal will probably die because it does not know how to hunt for food, and will not be able to defend itself against other animals. If animals do not have enough room to roam around, they can become sick and depressed.
Is it OK to hold captive animals in zoos? Does being in a small confined space affect the behaviors and/or health of animals? Will animals know how to hunt and care for themselves when they are released back into the wild? Over the past few years, more and more species of animals have been close to extinction. Their habitats, food, and water sources are being destroyed to make place for roads and buildings. As referenced in the text The Impact of Animal Protection, people not only destroy the environments of animals but also hunt them for their fur, organs, or other body parts, leading to the need to place certain species of animals in animal sanctuaries and zoos to keep them safe. Although keeping endangered animals in captivity to help their
Supporting the Joel Beinin and Lisa Hajjar, the thesis of Wild Thorns addresses the dilemma of accepting and rejecting the Israeli regime which causes division within the Palestine community (9). In fact, Khalifah, the author of the novella, uses the characters, Usama, Zuhdi, and Adil (Usama’s cousin) to support this thesis. In each instance, she tells how the path that the character chooses either supported their acceptance or rejection of the regime. Specifically, she shows how Usama and Zuhdi’s rejection (fighting against the Israeli regime) contrasts Adil’s acceptance of the Israeli regime (taking care of the dead Israeli Soldier’s wife), thus creating a division. Using the three characters to represent the Palestine community, Khalifah’s purpose is to illustrate the division within the Palestine community (divided community: one side rejects while the other accepts the Israeli regime). In essence, the thesis and of Wild Thorns can be seen through the fate which resulted in the decision of Usama, Zuhdi, and Adil.