Key Concept 1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies
II. Agriculture and pastoralism began to transform human societies.
B. Technological innovations led to improvements in agricultural production, trade, and transportation. Pottery improved agricultural production because it gave a way to store a surplus of food. As agriculture continued to develop, pots were used to store foods and wines. For example, in China the pots were used for storage and for religious purposes referring to afterlife.
Plows were a very useful tool in early agriculture. They turned the soil which led to less work done by the workers to prepare for planting. The plow was very beneficial because it led to a surplus of agriculture
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It provided tools for other jobs such as farming and weapons. Bronze was a major breakthrough for metallurgy because it allowed for the creation of useful weapons and developed agriculture.
The wheel was invented by people in Mesopotamia , which later allowed for the transport of goods and trades. The Hitties also later developed a chariot which was a wheeled vehicle used for transportation and for fighting battles.
Key Concept 1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies
C. Pastoralists were often the developers and disseminators of new weapons and modes of transportation that transformed warfare in agrarian civilizations.
Pastoralists were the developers of compound bows and iron weapons which transformed the warfare society. The iron weapons were very strong and were easy to mass produce. The compound bows were an advance over simple bows and allowed to set a target with more accuracy and force.
Pastoralists also developed horse back riding and chariots . Chariots allowed for a mass amount of goods to be transported without much of a hassle . Also horseback riding allowed for goods to be transported as well.
III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental
The steel plow allowed previously non-arable land to be farmed and the mechanical reaper decreased time and effort needed to harvest the crops as the farms would usually be ran by
The Neolithic Revolution made food easily accessible. Document 3 states, “But it means, rather, a state of culture in which food is planted and bred, not hunted and gathered — in which food is domesticated, not wild.” This shows that the Neolithic Revolution was a time in which people moved from
The Neolithic Revolution is often called the “New Stone Age”. This is because; people were making tools with metals instead of stone. Some changes were the domestications of animals and crops, permanent settlement, and technology and job specialization. The changes in the Neolithic Revolution were so important that it is considered a turning point in human history.
This change in food production also supported Sumerians, Persians, and other people to settle down in one place. This helped them to set their minds on other things which led to the invention of the wheel and many other improvements
For example in document one the farmers lived in villages that eventually grew into small towns and then cities. If we never settled we would've never been civilized as we are today. Writhing was also a massive turning point in our history. If the Mesopotamians did not create a form a writing we would have never been able to communicate or talk with anyone else in our society (Document 3). Also in document 4 the Mesopotamians made various utensils to prepare and eat out of. This helps us understand what they used to eat and eat out of. As shown in document 5 Neolithic farmers used deer antler to farm. They would shape the tools and use them for a variety of different things. In document 6 Neolithic people learned how to domesticate a number of different animals such as sheep and goats. Also they learned how to domesticate flax. This is a big step forward to help them with further domestications. Lastly people in this era did the job that they did best (Job Specialization). For example if one farmed but was better at making tools for farming then they would specialize in that area work. As you can see there are were many different turning points in the Neolithic
One reason why the Neolithic Revolution had a positive impact on people because during this time period developed society and a division of labor emerged. Division of labor is the creation of different specialized jobs, which benefits a community. For example, artisans create clothes, jewelry, and pottery. These artifacts were often traded by the artisans themselves or the people who bought the products. Trading is the act of exchanging an object to somebody, for something else that benefits you.
3. Have a look at the maps in this chapter with an eye to areas of the world that were not incorporated in a major empire. Pick one or more of them and do a little research as to what was happening there in the early modern era.
Chapter 1 Level 2 Q: How did the agricultural revolution influence the lives of Neolithic peoples to make them more “civilized”?
Tractors on the other hand only needed fuel and very little maintenance. Machinery dramatically sped up the process of farming. There for, on average the average farmer could farm more ground and make more
In addition to agriculture success, new technological advancements came from crop exchangement. New farming equipment , such as the plow, improved the New World’s economy and health. This technology advancement is important because it allowed a large area of land to be cultivated at a time, speeding up the farming process. This enabled towns to be developed around farms from crops being grown at a faster rate and land that could now be cultivated.
The Neolithic Revolution was the major change in human life caused by the beginnings of farming. This revolution changed people’s lives in several ways. It changed the way people lived because before the Neolithic Revolution they relied on hunting and gathering food. It also changed the way they settled, because of this revolution they were able to live in villages for a long time, unlike before; they had to relocate often because their food source would become scarce. The way civilizations lived changed because of the Neolithic Revolution. A civilization is a form of culture that consists of cities, advanced technology, specialized workers, complex institutions, and record keeping. The early river valley civilizations; which developed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China, had more similarities than differences. The river valley civilizations were similar when it came to their writing systems, inventions, and geography. However, they were also different when it came to writing systems and inventions.
Unlike Paleolithic time's, man could have more leisure time to spend. This led him to broaden the society he was living in and led to increased populations in the Neolithic Age. The more people there were the more discovery man made during this time. The invention of agriculture led to the settled life. Since man no longer needed to roam, all they had to do was put a seed in the ground and watch it grow. Tool and weaponry became more advanced, and pottery and the potters wheel was invented.
Walking, that’s the original mode of transportation. The only things that could be moved are the things that can be carried and the furthest part of the world was the furthest part a human could walk to. Then came sailboats and wheels and the world was drastically changed forever. Everything changed. No one could walk on water so sailboats were the first things used to travel the rest of the world. There was more land and more water than anyone man could walk to. Sailboats helped with that. When someone arrives in those places how is he or she supposed to carry everything? That is when the wheel became so important. People had carriages and wagons and animals to pull those things which are on wheels. The entire world changed as transportation
According to Document 1, the Neolithic Revolution was good for the society because humans learned new skills and ways to live. Document 1 states, “The ability to acquire food on a regular basis gave humans greater control over their environment and enabled them to give up their nomadic ways of life and live in settled communities.” This shows that the humans learned many new things. In addition, based on Document 2, the context mentions, “Domestication means taming animals for human use. This was one of the most important innovations of the Neolithic Revolution.” This shows that the humans had good use of the animals. Also, the chart in Document 2 shows how common animals such as cows, goats, pigs, and sheep were used as advantages depending on their location, and for meat, milk, wool, and hide. As a result, Document 1 and Document 2 both support that the innovations of the Neolithic Revolution were good for
The Neolithic revolution had a big impact on the society. However, instead of focusing on the good, as follow are some social disadvantages of this big transition. To start with, agriculture is considered much harder work than hunter gathering is, and individuals had to work much longer hours farming. This reduced the land availability for living on by handing it to farmers. It reduced space for wild animals and plants, which were used for food, meaning that, the fauna was becoming less diverse and animals were becoming weaker since