Neopets – Case Study
As per the Neopets website, Neopets is an online youth-focused virtual world whose primary focus is to allow members to create and take care of virtual pets. In addition to virtual pets, it also offers games, auctions, trades and messaging. Neopets have been created in 11 languages and generates more than 5 billion pageviews per month. With nearly 200 games, weekly contests, discussion boards, plots and thousands of virtual items to collect, Neopets members are as passionate about the site as they are about their virtual pets. Neopets has approximately 44 million members, and in the fourth quarter of 2007, Neopets averaged approximately 3.5 million monthly unique visitors globally.
How to avoid becoming a fad :
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However unlike games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life that are based on real time action rendered in 3D, Neopets is primarily based on navigating through static 2D web pages, and playing small self contained puzzle-type games. Though Second Life and World of Warcraft do not target Neopet’s primary audience of girls under the age of 18, it also needs to move up the technology chain. There might soon be a 3D virtual pet website which might take away market share from Neopets and Neopets might see its adopter surfing to a 3D virtual pet websites.
Promotion strategy for Neopets :
Neopets has traditionally depended on word of mouth and viral marketing which is a subset of word of mouth to increase its spread. As per Hindle, Tim (2008, p205) viral marketing involves choosing a small group of well-connected individuals to launch a product or service via the internet or their mobile phones. The idea is that their approval will spread rapidly via their online network of connections, create a buzz around the product being marketed and result in millions of sales. This form of marketing has grown further with the popularity of social networks like Facebook.
While Neopets is very popular with kids who use the internet extensively, Neopets needs to consider other mediums to attract kids who are not yet extensive users of the internet. To do that Neopets has
4) Due to the rebounding industry growth rate of 15% in 2011 comparable to the explosive CAGR of 16.1% from 2003-2008 combined with the partial opening of the new plant in Slovenia, OH Rates are most likely to increase with higher volume orders and larger scale operations. This in turn will decrease our bids and make it more attractive for prospective clients.
As a host I, insert individual/club/kennel’s name, agree to pay the following expenses listed for the RKC Judge/Representative to judge/represent my show listed on the above date. As the Show Host, I will ensure that the RKC Judge/Representative receives the best accommodations that can be provided. If for some reason I should have to cancel with the hired RKC Judge/ Representative, I will notify them no less than 30 days prior to the event. I understand that it is my responsibility to reserve all that is agreed upon listed in Section 1 on page 1. If said host cancels a show less than 30 days out and the judge/rep has a signed agreement, the host will be fined $50.00 by the RKC, which will then be reimbursed to the judge/rep for their inconvenience.
This competitive analysis was conducted to aid in the development of CanGo, an online gaming website. This analysis focused on three competitors: Big Fish Games,, and
Online gaming is big business these days, with thousands of people connected to each other every
Several strategies might be needed and usage of different media, such as TV, internet and word of mouth. Public relations and how your business is perceived by the customers and the market in general, can also play a part in proper promotional activities, which are successful.
Our modern world’s virtual connectivity can have subtle, but arduous effects on society as a whole and for each individual. While these technologies are relatively new compared to humankind’s grand history, each year, more research is being conducted and released on the impacts that social media, video games, and virtual simulations have on the youth. All this research seems to have one thing in common which is that even though technology does have obvious benefits, no one can deny the fact that there are some serious repercussions arising alongside the advantages. Most of these issues deal with emotional and social developments that can be observed in the more recent generations who are raised with access to technology. Experts have written
The strategy that I have chosen is Market Penetration. This is using existing products and existing markets. I am going to increase customer awareness about a Foxtel movies and generate usage amongst customers. This can be done by using social media and running campaigns such as buy one get one free, rewards with products, or use celebrity endorsement. For my product, I am going to use social media integration, Celebrity endorsement and rewards.
The sun plays a very important role in the food web of the Australian grasslands as all energy that occurs in the food web is taken from the Sun (Arlington Classics Academy, 2015). However, the Sun does not directly provide the energy the food web. The energy must be transferred to the producers in the web in order for it to be useful (Arlington Classics Academy, 2015). This energy is again transferred throughout the web until it eventually reaches the top level carnivores. Due to this change and transfer of the Sun’s energy it’s evident that without the sun the food web would not be able to exist.
Society is a person’s greatest antagonist. According to society, people need someone to tell them what to do, what to believe and even what to think. A story called The Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, was able to express the idea that falling into a daily routine of following what the society wants us to do leads to our lives becoming meaningless. In addition, a poem called “The Unknown Citizen”, written by W.H. Auden, expressed the idea that “scientific data fails to capture the human quality of life” and that “our lives are largely shaped and dictated” by a greater society leading to the loss of a meaningful life (“The Unknown” 301). Despite the difference in the plot of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Auden’s “The Unknown Citizen”,
A service animal is any dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The difference between a service animal and a regular pet is that a service animal does work/tasks that must be directly related to the handler’s disability. Service animals have been helping disabled humans since 1927. There are three types of service animals: guide animals, hearing animals, and service animals. A guide dog helps to guide the blind; a hearing dog helps to signal the hearing impaired to noises; a service dog helps do work for patients with disabilities other than blindness and deafness.
Another Disney invention is the soon to be released netbook, a "Netpal" for 6-12 year-olds. Made by netbook pioneer Asustek and selling for $350 at Toys "R" Us starting in late July. A version with more storage and a longer battery will go through and other retailers. The widget should go international by the end of the year. The Walt Disney Company is also now one of the biggest players in the fast-growing social gaming business. Recently the company said it had agreed to acquire Playdom–the outfit behind games like Social City, Sorority Life, and Market Street for up to $763 million. Under the terms of the deal, Disney (DIS) will pay $563.2 million for Playdom up front and an additional $200 million if the social gaming company meets certain unspecified growth thresholds. For Disney purchasing Playdom, the No. 4 social gaming company on Facebook (and No. 1 on MySpace), is a quick and easy way to extend its characters and brands to social games, a market that could be worth $1.5 billion within three years.
When looking into characters, both superficially and deeper, it is common to see some reflection of the author’s beliefs and experiences within those characters. After all, in a fiction story, the author is the creator. These characters are not created out of nothing. The birth of the characters in the novel The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway serve to act out parts of him he was not allowed to express. Within the story, written in 1926, each character faces their own moral and social struggles, but act as a group in reflection of Hemingway’s psyche. The story remains considerably brief, but within its short pages is the entirety of just whom Hemingway was. In accordance with the time period and his upbringing, Hemingway was denied many
This paper reviews and analyzes three main issues with the first one being leadership. Other sub-issues involve lack of vision, coercive leadership style, using taxpayer’s money for personal benefit and irresponsible top management. The organizational structure, mixed communication, and no clear indication to who to report to is the second. The third
Pokemon has developed a new craze through many different aspects of entertainment. There is an animated cartoon series based on the
Central Idea: Pokemon is a very popular game that people all over the world enjoy.