
Nepal 's Cry That Slavery Is A Crime

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Nepal’s Cry that Slavery is a Crime Slavery was a huge part of everyday life back in early America, and we are always reflecting upon that even in today’s culture with reminders such as Martin Luther King Day or International Day of Remembrance, but many people are not aware that slavery is still relevant today, and that many young men and woman are still forced to work against their will for little to no pay. Every year millions of people are still being sold into slavery and many people remain ignorant of the fact. The biggest reasons behind slavery lay within the power of greed. Criminals see a way to make major profit at the cost of another man’s work and even their life. The kidnapping of children is still used every day, and it ruins families and lives. With the high death rate, slaves will always be in demand, which is horrid news. Slavery is used everywhere in the world today, under the noses of everybody. Sadly, it doesn’t stop at forced labor. There is a plethora of different types of slaves ranging from bonded labor, forced labor, sex slaves, and even forced marriage. These types of slaves can be found everywhere in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and even the Americas. I will be focusing on slavery in Nepal, as tens of thousands of people are enslaved in Nepal today. Used for sex slavery in brothels, restaurants, and massage parlors and used for forced labor in mines and quarries. Most slaves there are tricked into slavery with false contract, and then

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