
Nervous System Lab Report

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The transmission of signals among the various parts of our body can well define the nervous system. The nervous system is composed of two systems the central and peripheral. Our brain and spinal cord make up the central while the peripheral nervous system makes up almost everything else. The central nervous system is responsible for receiving and sending information to different parts of our body. The peripheral nervous system is responsible for controlling the voluntary movement of muscles.
When our brain tells our muscles working alongside of specialized nerves what to do voluntarily is known as our skeletal neuromuscular systems. Afferent neurons also known as sensory neurons move towards to whatever is being sensed. Whenever we take a step or pick up something, a message is transmitted to motor neurons. Efferent neurons sometimes …show more content…

This was expected since it was right after hyperventilation which produced more brain activity. The alpha wave was the highest after recovering from hyperventilation which was at 1.88. This was also expected to be the highest due to the circumstances. This showed to accept our hypothesis. Whenever mental activity increased the higher the waves got. The standard deviation gives us an average of the number of the times that frequency occurred.
The reaction time improved over the number of trials, so the hypothesis was accepted. It improves because our brain became aware when the next bell sound was coming. The improvement is greater with fixed-interval because our brain knew when the next bell sound would play rather than it playing at random times. The fixed interval had a lower standard deviation because the reaction time was smaller. This can all be shown in table 3.
The integrated EMG tells us that the motor neuron recruitment increases the more an activity is performed which supported our hypothesis.

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