
Netflix : A Great Influence On The Home Entertainment Environment

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Karissa Rupnarain
Professor Dumas
Senior Seminar in Informatics
Final Paper Draft

Netflix is revolutionary company operating in an incredibly dynamic industry populated by both longstanding and new competitors. In one hand, Netflix has partnered with movie and television studios to provide access to feature-length movies and episodic TV shows in the same manner that existed when the medium was designed- DVD rental. In the other hand, Netflix is operating with growing role of computer-enabled devices and data transmission systems in our lives, in mind. They allow users to view media content in virtually any location with a power source and Wi-Fi connection. As a provider, Netflix has evolved with developing technology and have adapted to changes in content consumption. Hence, Netflix has had a great influence on the home entertainment environment and on the profitability of their competition.
THE SPARK In Scotts Valley, California, in the August of 1997 Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, both veteran “new technology” entrepreneurs, founded Netflix to rent and sell DVDs over the Internet. Hastings, a former math teacher had achieved great success after establishing Pure Software and later selling said company for $700 million dollars. After Hastings was forced to pay $40 in fines after returning an overdue videotape of the film Apollo 13 he came up with the idea for for rental-by-mail. Co-founder Marc Randolph assisted in establishing a computer mail order

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