
Netflix Situational Analysis Paper

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To take our additional service of Netflix to the next level, we are going to have to market it as best as we can to the 190 countries currently accessing our existing product. The variables for segmentation our team is going to use are behavioral, benefit, and demographic methods. In doing so, our team will then market our customers based on their experience patterns with Netflix. Behavioral methods mainly focuses on Netflix’s pre-existing customers’ buying patterns, loyalty to the service, and the occasion of how often viewer’s stream. Analyzing how involved these customers have been once before will allow us to select who we can market the addition of sports to first. For instance, if a fifth-year loyal customer is consistently subscribing …show more content…

Consumers are going to be able to “go get” sporting games whenever they would like right at the access of their Netflix accounts. Any past game is saved to the Netflix database, so any missed game is there at the click of a button. Our offering fulfills the need of convenience to consumers as they are able to navigate, stream, and watch any previous or live sporting event at any place, 24 hours a day. Netflix’s demographics of age ranges from approximately 18-39. However, based on our survey results, our ideal age group is going to be ages 18-45 years old as 71% of our respondents fell within this age range. In addition, the gender of preference we are going to lean towards will be males, as the majority of our respondents who would like to see an addition of sports were men. The topic of annual income for those who would enjoy the addition of the sports service should not be an issue. With only a two dollar addition to the service, all packages will still be affordable for our prioritized market. Target …show more content…

With 71% of users in the younger to middle-aged category, they tend to be more aware of current sporting events and enjoy keeping up with the seasons. Inclined towards males primarily, our team knows that this target group will enjoy have the capability of going back to watch a game they missed played by their favorite team. Using this target market will make the adaptation of adding sports to Netflix much easier since they are already very comfortable with the industry. Consumers who have been loyal with Netflix have the accessibility to simply add this new service. Currently, there are about 60% of sports fans in general in the US, which falls within only one percentage point since the year 2000. In addition to that statistic, 76% of the population are men. Having a consistent of an average proves to our team that this industry is going to be stable to work with, especially when hitting our target

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