Phase Two Phase one discussed the employee required hardware and software to do daily job request. Phase two discusses how the user PCs and laptops connect with each other and the internet. Without the interconnections, each laptop and PC is a standalone unit, only when a network topology is in place will all the network resources be able to contact each other. In addition to the network cards discussed in phase one, phase two justifies requirements for future enterprise sustainability.
Cat-5e is the current standard for network installs, however, with technology rapidly increasing, Cat-6 cabling is becoming more economical; this is comparing cost-to-bandwidth capabilities at about a 20 percent difference (Cat5e vs Cat6,
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In addition, the logical topology is also set in a star format for direct communications; this is unlike mesh topology where all communication is broadcasted to all other network attached equipment. With both a physical and logical star topology, network bandwidth is decreased as network communications are point-to-point. Decreased network bandwidth increases overall productivity as network related work is not hampered by slow network traffic.
IPv6 and Address Pool More sooner than later the internet will transition to IPv6 rather than the current IPv4 standard; this is partially due to very few IPv4 network address available (Haugh, 2012). Many large companies are already using the IPv6 internet protocol and using it now will prevent having to reengineer the network at a later timeframe (Wong, 2011). Even though the local ISP may require IPv4, in the short term, that can be overcome by using IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack tunneling (Beverly, 2015). This allows external IPv4 address conversion to IPv6 with the configuration of the internet facing network address translating (NAT) router. Although the ISP provides the corporate network with the IPv4 Class C IPv4 address, it will also provide a block of IPv6 addresses for all the network attached devices in the local area network. To maintain communication with the internet, the NAT router will provide the appropriate dual stack translations
A Star topology is the second type of topology represented. This topology is easy to install as well as being easy to expand by connecting additional nodes or devices. Faults are easily detected and parts are easy to remove. In a Start topology, when devices need to be added or removed, it does not cause disruptions to the network. This type of topology is used for many different applications, ranging from small to large networks. (FCIT, Univ. of Florida)
The organization will reap in high sales and production and possible lower costs in employee wages from less workload. The network system will work at a faster pace and if using the voice-over IP system, communication and management costs can be reduced.
IPV6 addresses can be assigned automatically by the device which should eliminate the need for a DHCP server. It also comes with an option for a built-in encryption which ensures that each package that gets sent has to be decrypted prior to interpretation. Also with the amount of available addresses, NAT is no longer
The Newton Ad Agency will be using a Wide Area Network (WAN) network since its connectivity needs to span over a number of locations. The WAN connection should be able to provide the likeness of a Local Area Network (LAN) connection in regards to performance for the branch offices, support several applications, and have a high performance. The headquarters and two branch offices will use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to the internet and require at least two routers, security gateways, and Ethernet switches at all three locations. All of these devices will be connected with full mesh WAN connections that tie to the Austin headquarters with the utilization of both Internet and private WAN connectivity. This type of connection will allow for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and video services to be supported and can accommodate both wired and wireless LAN infrastructures. The network will be implemented with the
To outface this problem Network Address Translation (NAT) method is used. This enables devices with private addresses to be connected to a public network address (e.g. Internet). This private address is converted to legal IP address, through NAT routers before traveling 11 “outside”. (See figure 4). Every device that is connected to the network has a unique IP address but this doesn’t mean that is permanent. Because devices connected to the network,
Had my own eyes betrayed me? Can I trust anything? “‘What can you expect, it’s war...’” the neighbors said, and invited the Gestapos to invade our homes, our communities, and our lives, yet the Jews of Sighet still smiled as the Gestapo officers sauntered down the streets, guns slapping their thighs, sharp eyes scanning the streets, and allowed their strong German voices to slowly take away our rights (Wiesel 4). If any suspicion about the Gestapo's intentions was present, it was like gossip, hidden away from the light, but talked about in whispers, in the shadows behind closed doors. The thrill consumed me, the thrill of having my own secret, something I knew that no one else knew. I thought about the possibilities, “what the
To complete the lofty goal of designing a new network infrastructure the Enterprise Network Engineer must meet several objectives including design of the physical placement of network devices, design of the physical connections between all network devices and design of the segmentation of the network utilizing VLANS. The Enterprise Network Engineer shall utilize several of the previously completed objectives including the network inventory scans and network device configuration audit to assist with the design. The Enterprise Network Engineer will utilize software such as Microsoft Visio to layout design schematics for all proposed hardware per physical location including any previously discussed and approved hardware repurpose recommendations. The Enterprise Network Engineer will include repurposed hardware within the Visio schematics; however, the repurposed hardware may or may not be implemented on the new network
Many of the social reformists do not address the fact that their efforts were misplaced. The reason that there are prostitutes is because there is a market for them. Attempts to solve the prostitution problem, “never reached out to the male sexual desires on which the entire system of prostitution was founded.” It was considered natural for men to want sex and for them to look outside of their marriages for satisfaction. By 1730 there was a quite an acceptance by legal authority that “some men were likely to need a sexual outlet that for whatever reason was not available to them in marriage.” Even with this acceptance of prostitution as a necessity, those that provided that service were still denigrated and considered to be a scourge on the public.
A Global transition to Internet Protocol version 6 is initiated. The government and organizations understand the benefits of this new protocol and are making change plans. The Information technology industry is undergoing a massive transformation. This research paper would outline the migration, transformation, and configuration of Internet Protocol version 6 from Internet Protocol version 4. Currently; we are close to exhausting a lot of our options regarding current Internet Protocol version 4 addresses. The new Internet
Spring is already knocking on our doors. Now is the best time to revamp your wardrobe. It's time to move on from those thick winter clothes and go for something lighter. However, you don't want to make an abrupt transition. Not just yet, anyway. We'll give you a few tips on how to make a smooth transition, while still remaining fashionable.
The Network Address Translation overload or PAT is an excellent way to go if a situation where to arise and there was a shortfall of public IP’s. Port Address Translation is just an annex to NAT that allows many devices on a LAN to be drawn to one IP address. The main objective of PAT is to preserve IP addresses, so in a LAN lots of users are
The network protocol rules include the strategies that have characteristics of a network including the access method that allowed the types of cabling, physical topologies and the data transfer speed. Which in this document the most common research will based on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and the transition between the two.
Since there are so many IP addresses that need to be handled on the Internet, IPv4 and IPv6 need a way to keep track and configure them. This is normally referred to as address resolution. This includes translating network layer addresses into link layer addresses, having automatic assignments of addresses, and routing data to the correct location on a specific network. IPv4 uses a protocol called Address Resolution Protocol, or ARP, in order to translate IP addresses into MAC addresses. A MAC address is the unique number given to the network interface card in each computing device. The reason this needs to be done is because on many intranet networks, the internal communication and delivery of data is based off of the MAC address rather than the IP address. The Dynamic Host Control Protocol, or DHCP, handles the automatic configuration and assignment of IP addresses in IPv4. DHCP is an internal protocol that takes the MAC addresses of the NICs on a network, and automatically assigns IP addresses. It also keeps track of them so that two NICs don’t acquire the same IP address. Without DHCP every IP address would have to be entered manually by the system administrator, which would be incredibly difficult considering how many devices can potentially access a network. IPv6 uses similar methods to perform both of those functions, but there are still important differences that exist to improve the way that IPv6 performs. Instead of ARP, IPv6 uses the Neighbor Discovery Protocol
There is also the distinction between Public and Private addresses, where public addresses are recognized world-wide, as they are allocated by designated organizations, and that is how they are running out; almost all valid addresses have been allocated. On the other hand, private addresses are used within an organization or a home, however, they require the help of a publicly recognized address to communicate globally, and this is through a process called Network Address Translation (NAT). The allocation of Public IP addresses falls under the authority of IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), a global body that oversees regional organizations, and these organizations are more directly involved in IP Address allocation.
The internet and networks are expanding as many new computers and devices are being used. The configuration of both static and dynamic IP addresses should be simpler.