
Networked Rhetorical Forms

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Memes, Modes, and Agency in Networked Public Address
While much of networked rhetorical production focuses on the digital recreation of traditional media (e.g. Netflix, online news, video chat), a variety of rhetorical forms have emerged that are unique to the web (e.g. blogs, message boards, and chatrooms). Of these forms, digital memes stand out as a communitive technology that defines networked rhetorical styles, and exemplifies the conundrum behind Warnick’s call to refigure ethos for networked environments. Moreover, as a text that is native to networked environments, memes provide an ideal framework to meet Pfister’s (2014) call to use the performances of networked rhetorics to best understand the nature of the contemporary rhetorical …show more content…

Specifically, Shifman (2014) notes that these memes function through their use of a single image of a particular stock character, usually a face shot of a person or animal exhibiting some pronounced affective reaction. These genre of meme also are referred to as advice animals, as many of the early characters were animals like Courage Wolf or Socially Awkward Penguin. The genre then expanded to include humans with the development of memes like Overly Attached Girlfriend and Bad Luck Brian. Whether human or non-human animal, each of these images is its own meme, with its own affective dimensions and implied narrative. Imposed over this picture are two lines of text in the impact font. These textual elements, colloquially known as the “topline” and “bottomline” often function respectively as the set up and punchline to the joke or message of each particular iteration of a meme. Thus while the textual components of an individual meme may change in each of its recirculations, the larger communicative force of the meme is grounded in formal elements of meme. Meme users often police incorrect usage of particular image macros, arguing that either the textual form does not meet expectations, or that another image would offer more apt narrative or affective commentary (Vickery, …show more content…

Although indivudal iterations of memes are deployed by individual rhetors, the ways that a particular iteration may be mobilized are largely controlled by the form of the meme. The control of potential iterations of a meme gives them a particular modal of agency. Grabill and Pig (2012) note that as networked texts are increasingly fragmented, remixed, and recirculated agency becomes increasingly difficult to define. When I repost a video with a new comment is the rhetorical action mine, the creator of the videos or a hybrid of the two. Moreover, many of the fragments will be anonymous in some capacity. However, the concept of the mode, combines these fragments and diffuse actors into a single assemblage. Because of this unity, as well as the creating of the conditions of contexts, Virno (2009) notes that the mode, rather than particular iterations, are not only the starting point of critical analysis, but of the force of the text as

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