
Neurophysiology Study: The Peripheral Nervous System

Satisfactory Essays

Emily Crocker
Prof. Bauer
Human Physiology
9 September 2015
Neurophysiology Study The Nervous System is a complex system comprised of two parts: The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. Each system is then comprised of nerves and specialized cells, called neurons. The function of a neuron is to transmit messages throughout the body. The brain has approximately 100 billion neurons, ranging in many different sizes and shapes. Neurons are classified as cells because they have a cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria, as well as carry out many of the same processes as a cell (i.e protein synthesis). But, a neuron is unlike a cell in that they have special structures such as dendrites and axons, communicate through electrochemical processes, and contain special chemicals called neurotransmitters (instead of hormones). On average, a neuron fires 200 times per second. When it is not firing, the neuron is at rest. At rest, the neuron has an overall negative charged …show more content…

If you were to graph the data, you would see spikes at stimulation patterns 8, 15, 16, 21 and 22. This shows that the action potential was reaching the threshold point at those patterns. It also looked as though the connection between the different neurons had a domino effect. If neuron A made neuron X fire, then neuron B would make neuron X fire in the next stimulation pattern and so on (which might just be a coincidence). But why did the weak exhibitory, and inhibitory neurons show greater stimulation, and the strong exhibitory and inhibitory neurons make neuron X fire more times? Overall, neurons A and D had the overall greatest number of fires and neuron D showed the greatest amount of stimulation. A and D were both excitatory neurons which could explain why the neuron fired the most times in those

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