
Neuroscience and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences Essay

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Connections Between Neuroscience and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Implications for Education

The old paradigm of students as empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge has given way to the constructivist belief that students continuously build understandings based on their prior experiences and information. The idea of a fixed intelligence has given way to a more flexible perception of gradual intellectual development dependent on external stimulation (6)
Our intelligence, therefore, is our singular, collective ability to act and react in an everchanging world (1)

In my first two web papers I researched two defined disorders, ADHD and Autism, following a train of thought which began with a question: given that the …show more content…

This notion is well surmised by the Harvard Law of Animal Behavior, according to which, “under carefully controlled experimental circumstances, an animal will behave as it damn well pleases (5).” This points to the often uncomfortable result of neurological studies: there is no predictable pattern to behavior. Instead of believing that the studies need better controls, some researchers now believe that this unpredictability is itself significant. Biologically speaking, “diversity is as fundamental to life as is order. It is neither accidental nor detrimental. It is instead essential to the success of any biological entity (8).” A body of research now exists that corroborates externally discernible human variability with an improved understanding of the internal variability present in human nervous systems. Therefore, a more accurate reflection of differences in learning abilities and the resultant perceived intellectual capacity of children is better captured with the phrase “learning styles,” which connotes not a disability, but a difference. An important and potentially far-reaching result of this enhanced understanding of the nervous system is to use it to inform ideas about what constitutes an optimal learning environment for children. Accepting that macrocosmic, visible variability has an associated molecular microcosm lends it greater credibility, and gives educators a solid foundation

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