
Neutrinos Research Paper

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Recently, scientists found the first known evidence of oscillating neutrinos, and have come to believe that they’re getting very close to understanding these bizarre particles.


This scientific advancement is the result of Fermilab’s ongoing NOvA experiment, which hopes to uncover the secrets of those elusive particles called neutrinos. The study released its final results earlier this week. The experiment’s gigantic particle detector is capable of detecting neutrinos fired from an impressive 500 miles’ distance, but the scientists are having a hard time forming significant conclusions from this recent success. It’s incumbent for these quantum physicists to progress their theories because to understand which neutrinos are heavier or lighter will help us construct theories about how these particles accumulate mass. …show more content…

Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. “For all the people who worked over the course of a decade on the designing, building, commissioning and operating this experiment, it’s beyond gratifying.”


In order to detect these far-flung neutrinos, Fermilab’s neutrino beam uses an underground detector capable of measuring the neutrino composition of each shot. After being fired, the neutrinos oscillate 500 miles through the Earth’s crust. When one of the neutrinos collides with one of the atoms in the detector, a signature trail of particles and light is released which is used to identify the neutrino as an electron, muon or tau. Most neutrinos shot out of Fermilab are composed of muons, but because of this experimental method, scientists can actually infer how many are transform in transit from muon to electron.


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