Leukemia is the dieases that associated with the blood-forming system. The cancer cells in the bone morrow lead to the over-production of the abmormal white bollds cells. These white blood cells are usually immature, the exeact causes of this desease is still unknown, but it is believed that the genetic factors and the environment factors plays a key role.
Neutropenia, on the other hand, is the deficiency in granulocytes, a type of white blood cells (2015). This kind of white blood cells forms and servers as the very primary defence line agains the bacteria, which can lead to infection. Due to the loss of the WBC, the patient with neuteropenia is much more easliy exposed to bacteria infection, and can lead to life-threathening situation
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The patient's signs and symptoms to be monitored as follows:
1: Inspect the body site especially the small cut or bruise on the skin to minimise the infection through the integumentary system; (a 7-year-old kid is much more active and has more curoisity than an adult)
2: Mornitoring any signs of coughing and observe the change in colour of sputum;
3: If the kid has a temperature, then obtain the urine, sputum and blood for culture and seitivity testing(2015)
4: Mornitoring the daily diet of the kid. If the kid's aptitite changes a lot, then the body may not get enought nuitrition.
The care requirements needed for the kid and his/her family:
1: Promote hand hygience, wash hand thoroughlym with antimicrobial cleanser. The kid is at the age of seven which means that he/she may active to explore everything in the ward of the hospital. The hand is the place where exposeure to the bacteria which may causes infection, and anyone should wash their hands through the proper procedure before entering the ward;
2: Limit the visitor from family members, and avoid contact with the children of school
Good hand hygiene is the simplest, yet proven strategy to counteract hospital infection. However, the difficulties of achieving good levels of compliance are well noted in the literature. There are several seeming barriers to carry out adequate hand hygiene:
Adding to the impact on food, when a child is young, the brain is still maturing. It is very important the child gets the protein intake one needs in order to develop
Cleanliness is very important for keeping most of disease at bay. So it is essential to inculcate good hygienic habit in children right from early childhood. Washing hand is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of disease.
Diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia in most cases is done on the basis of differential blood count characterised by excess granulocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil) with typical left shift of granulopoesis (Hehlmann et al.2007). Conformation of CML can be done by identifying if there is a presence of Ph chromosome or BCR-ALB transcript in the peripheral blood or the bone marrow cells (Hehlmann et al.2007). However, if Ph chromosome is not detected conformation can also be done by either reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) (Hehlmann et al.2007).
Based on the patient's history and symptoms some differential diagnose for the patient can be Fifth Disease from Parvovirus B19 (slapped cheeks), scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease, and measles. Fifth disease was a differential because the condition may cause a fever and a red rash on the patient's cheeks, but it can also appear on the chest, back buttocks, or arms and legs. Scarlet fever is condition that is caused by group A Streptococcus. Presenting symptoms can be a fever, a red rash with a sandpaper feel, a strawberry tongue, and headache/body aches. Next, Kawasaki disease presents with symptoms of a high fever, conjunctiva injection, a strawberry tongue, cervical lymphadenopathy, peripheral edema, polymorphous rash, and tachycardia
agalactiae) (Fox). In adults, this bacteria can cause bloodstream infections (bacteremia), pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infection, and bone and joint infections. In babies, this bacteria can cause sepsis, pneumonia, and sometimes neonatal meningitis (Fox). Strep. agalactiae lives harmlessly inside the digestive system or female genitals of its host. However group B Streptococcus can be sexually transmitted to newborns from the mother through the amniotic fluid. In newborns, it can cause an infection that will leave the baby unresponsive with unusually fast or slow heartrate and unusually high or low body temperature. If this conditions is not treated properly, it can be life threatening (Robinson). According to Patterson, non-group A streptococci have less well identified virulence factors. However group B streptococci have identified carbohydrate surface antigens (associated with antiphagocytosis) and neuraminidase. Treatment for group B infections also include certain antibodies. These antibodies are often place intravenously into the blood stream in order for it to be effective. Sometimes the person may be required to stay in the hospital
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms are caused due to an increase in the red blood cell production (a mutation in the JAK2 gene)
Washing your hands is the most important step you can take as a caregiver when it comes to infection control. Wash your hands under running water using liquid soap and if that's not possible, rub your hands with sanitizer. Keep in mind that you pick up germs every time you leave the house. The shopping cart at the store, a bathroom faucet, and even a restaurant menu could be covered in germs from a sick person who touched it before you. Wash your hands when you return home and before you prepare meals for your parent. If your parent has an infection, wash your hands after changing the dressing or when you contact their bodily fluids. By washing your hands often during the day, you'll prevent the transmission of germs that might make your parent sick.
One of the commonest modes of transmission for infection is our hands. As care assistants, our hands come into contact with many possible infectious agents such as body excretions and secretions for example blood, urine, faeces, vomit and sputum. If good hand hygiene isn’t practiced, micro-organisms will be passed from one individual to another. General cleanliness, including general, environmental, equipment and materials reduce the sources of infection within the care home.
The production of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets happens in bone marrow. The bone marrow produces extra white blood cells when an infection occurs. According to Gordon-Smith (2013), the main function of white blood cells is to respond to infection in the body by killing the pathogen. However, traumatic bone marrow injury may cause the abnormality of blood production. Snyder (2012) states, extreme exposure to the toxin, such as benzene can harm the bones and affect the production of blood. The condition calls Leukaemia or blood cancer, which is the development of excessive amount of abnormal white blood cells. As the result, the bone marrow is not able to produce mature white blood cells. According to Cancer Council Victoria
Leukemia is a type of cancer that starts of in blood-forming tissue. This disease is caused by the uncontrolled growth of blood cells in the bone marrow. White blood cells are the main culprit to the formation of this diesis even though they are essential components of the body's immune response to sicknesses and diesis. The way this diesis spreads throughout the body is when the leukemia cells overpopulates and replaces normal blood cells in the bone marrow. This cancer is not formed through genetics, but just forms in the body. As a result, this cancer cannot be prevented.
Dirty hands is the common source of spreading infection. It is very important to keep hands clean to avoid getting infected and spreading infection in the community. It is important to wash hands to keep hands clean. There are two ways to keep hand clean, one way is wash hands with soap and warm water while rubbing hands together for minimum 15 to 30 seconds. Indication of washing hands with soap and water is when hands are visibly dirty, before and after eating, feeding, using the toilet, after coughing or sneezing, after using gloves, taking care of patients. There is also second way to clean hands, but it is advisable to wash hands with soap and water all the time, but it can ignore when soap and water is not available so it is okay to use hand gel or foam in the form of sanitizer. This helps to clean hands or kill germs when hands are not visibly dirty.
Nutrition is important to understand because it is a significant contributor to the health and wellness of a human being. Nutrition can determine the weight of a person, the performance of organs and the body’s ability to prevent or accelerate certain diseases. Health and nutrition can be influenced by several factors such as family, friends, peers as well as physical and mental stress. As a young child, the immediate family is the biggest influence on nutrition because they are the first role models and establish the initial habits that the individual will develop. Through daily meal plans given to children, they can develop a standard of care in regard to nutrition and then incorporate key food groups into their daily diet. A child’s
Health, safety, and nutrition are closely connected and can influence each other. The textbook states that each component influences the state and quality of the others. For example, if a child has a good nutritional status, it will play an important role of being a healthy child and also in injury prevention. All of these components has a significant effect in children’s behavior and also in children’s learning. This will determine of being physically active and being alert in her
Being immune compromised, or immunosuppressed, these patients are at risk of acquiring further infections in the hospital environment. Such hospital acquired infections are called nosocomial infections. The greater need for medical attention of a patient, the higher the risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection. Some pathogens which cause infection use the opportunity of an immune compromised patient, to grow and reproduce where in normal circumstances it could not do this. In diagnostic medical sonography, the sonographer is very close to the patient physically which provides a gateway for infection to spread from the sonographer to the patient and vice versa. It is thus important not to go to work sick for the patient and their own health. The hospital is home to many pathogens due to the amount of patients suffering from infection, and because these patients are immunosuppressed, healthcare workers need to be vigilant about controlling the spread of infection to provide quality care to the