

Decent Essays

Leukemia is the dieases that associated with the blood-forming system. The cancer cells in the bone morrow lead to the over-production of the abmormal white bollds cells. These white blood cells are usually immature, the exeact causes of this desease is still unknown, but it is believed that the genetic factors and the environment factors plays a key role.

Neutropenia, on the other hand, is the deficiency in granulocytes, a type of white blood cells (2015). This kind of white blood cells forms and servers as the very primary defence line agains the bacteria, which can lead to infection. Due to the loss of the WBC, the patient with neuteropenia is much more easliy exposed to bacteria infection, and can lead to life-threathening situation …show more content…

The patient's signs and symptoms to be monitored as follows:

1: Inspect the body site especially the small cut or bruise on the skin to minimise the infection through the integumentary system; (a 7-year-old kid is much more active and has more curoisity than an adult)

2: Mornitoring any signs of coughing and observe the change in colour of sputum;

3: If the kid has a temperature, then obtain the urine, sputum and blood for culture and seitivity testing(2015)

4: Mornitoring the daily diet of the kid. If the kid's aptitite changes a lot, then the body may not get enought nuitrition.

The care requirements needed for the kid and his/her family:

1: Promote hand hygience, wash hand thoroughlym with antimicrobial cleanser. The kid is at the age of seven which means that he/she may active to explore everything in the ward of the hospital. The hand is the place where exposeure to the bacteria which may causes infection, and anyone should wash their hands through the proper procedure before entering the ward;

2: Limit the visitor from family members, and avoid contact with the children of school

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