When I first heard Zedd and Bellion’s song on the radio I couldn't help myself to not get attached. I directly “Shazam”ed it and looked it up, I was hooked. Not merely by the beat of the song but by its meaning and let alone Bellion’s breathtaking vocals. Its very uplifting tone is very inspiring.
Some day I decided to listen to it again, so as if my attachment to this song wasn’t enough, the video gave me goosebumps. The remarkably powerful meaning is clearly well shaped and is portrayed throughout different scenarios gorgeously shot. The message it is trying to convey is how at this “now”, all around the world much more is happening than we would think. At this very moment, the time it took you to read this sentence is the time it took someone
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Even if it's for a minute or two, we begin to wonder about what other people might be doing at this instant and I find this quite intriguing with the seven and a half billion different lives.
My favorite part of the video was when the elderly man letting go of his stunning horse that he had substantial affection towards. This very moving scene shows how sometimes you need to let things go because you love them. This video was abundant with meaning and emotion and I was very touched by it.
Zedd being the producer and author of this song, his EDM (Electronic Dance Music) Style is repeated in all of his songs. Beautiful Now clearly stands out of all of his songs on the meaning level. Other are more concentrated on the melody.
Another thing I really liked is how at the beat drop (minute 1:30) which is normally the best and most satisfying part of an EDM song, is where the ‘happy’ moments start to follow, creating this ‘uplifting’ and ‘ambitious’ mood.
I would recommend this song to practically everyone, especially the ones that are going through hard times and think that they are alone. Everything has an end: good and bad
I chose this song because, in my opinion, it has a good thesis that backs up the song lyrics and it gives you a positive feeling. Basically, the song is telling us to always keep our faith and stay strong no matter what. It encourages people to
When the song came out in 2015, I was in the midst of graduating and truly coming to terms with the person I am. Going through this period of self-realization, the lyrics “You can't rush your healing/Darkness has its teachings/Love is never leaving/You can't rush your healing” (II. 19-22) really went to show me that the hard times I was going through were placed in my way as learning experiences. Listening to the mellow tunes of this song had such powerful repercussion on my mood as well. Not only the content of the words, reassuring me that everything will pass, but the actual vibrations of sound forced me into a meditative/healing state of
The message behind this song and music video is one that everyone can relate too. More than likely, we have all lost someone in our life who we truly loved and cared for. Understanding, coping and accepting death would be so much easier if "Heaven wasn't so far away". We all wish we could go see the person we have lost due to death, but as we know once they are gone, they are gone. The message of this song definitely has an uplifting, subliminal message.
Throughout the year I have not only come to have a further understanding of literature and writing, but I have also gained the skill of analyzing works of literature and my own Essays while considering devices. Later in the year we focused on a short story by Mark Twain called The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County; after reading it, we were challenged to analyze the text through our understanding of literary and rhetorical devices.
My story has a meaningful story behind it. The story is deep for me and even for the artist and probably for many other people. Hearing songs like this can inspire you. It inspired me to be thankful for the people in my life. One day they can be here the next they could be gone. You never know what’s going on in their lives.
I like the scene that people were coming to Greenville for the homecoming was provided at 10:50. I chose this scene because despite they felt anxiety to go to Greenville, once they got there, they started kissing and greeting each other. At this scene, while they were greeting each other, everyone looked happy. As I watched through this video, everyone was not happy with their situation which they had very few limited food to eat, had no education, and had to work picking cottons. Some of the people who had interview on this video were crying because it was hard experience for them. However, I could find their joys in this scene.
With its rip roaring beat, tactical lyrics, and powerful message this song is the anthem that Spike Lee was aiming for. It gives context to the scenes and sets the mood for the rest of the film.
This song is a great representation of my friend situation this year. At the beginning of this year, my friend group that was very tight and supportive, split up. Our group got in a fight about including everyone, and ended up splitting in half. This was hard to go through, especially
It highlights the struggles that are happening for people. There are some great guitar riffs and distortion. It has a verses/chorus composition. The song is a little bit slower to begin, but soon picks up the tempo, it is a great song to sing along because the lyrics are not distorted by the instruments, like you find with some other bands. This song was written by Richie Sambora, Jon Bon Jovi, and Desmond Child.
The scene that I enjoyed the most was when the main character Magnoli and her daughter were abandoned by the love of her life and she had to find her way to survive. I really like that in that scene they reunited most of the original performers from the boat show. I liked that under pressure she defended the song “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man”; Song that regardless of the social and racial background meant a lot to her for the emotions attached to the person that taught her the song a – colored woman. Through music and performance the creators achieved a touching effect of emotions mixed with euphoria especially when during New Year’s Eve show she sang the last song of the event with such passion that she made me cry and then smile all in one
I really liked this song since covers on a series of important issues (meaning of life, lack of trust in the government, racial injustices, etc.) within radio playtime and while containing to use elements of hip-hop.
The beat is soft enough to induce a deep thought and when the chorus hits, you do not get the usual sense of excitement but rather one of contempt delight. Lastly, the artist is another thing that triggers a Dionysian response for me, the reason being that Bradley looks just like my grandfather that passed about a year ago. Every time I see Bradley, I think of my grandfather and all of the time I spent with him, not to mention that the author’s last name matches that of my family. Overall, I would say that the emotional response that I get when I hear this song is one of blissfulness and
Compared to more popular songs’ videos, which can just be an amalgamation of handsome men or voluptuous women, luxuries and a lifestyle most viewers don’t have, this one stands out in thanks to it being rich in meaning, feeling and, most touching of all, humanity. In conclusion, one final quote from the song, “We fell apart, let’s make a new
The piano playing in this video was fantastic. I was surprised at how well the piano and cello seem to complement each other in this video. The fast tempo of this song kept me very entertained while listening. They didn’t edit this video as much as some of their others, but I enjoyed that they filmed at The Great Wall of China. I thought it was a good choice of scenery for the song. Let it Go was another good video in which The Piano Guys picked perfect scenery to complement their music choice. The all white cello and Piano plus the snowy all white background fit together perfectly. The piano and cello went together very well in this video, but I think the way he played the cello made it out shine the piano during this
When I listen to this song it gives a sense of hope, hope that everything will be alright. The songs sends out a powerful message that anyone and everyone can help and make a difference in the world. The style of this song is so powerful it’s an eclectic style of many incredible genres such as; gospel, rock, hip-hop, R&B etc. many of the famous artists of this song were called the United Support Of Artists for Africa, despite their musical differences came together and created a moving and inspirational meaningful song. That touched millions around the world, even today it’s still an iconic song to plenty such as myself connected to the world through those powerful lyrics, when Jackson wrote, “