Never Look Away Today I was driving and all the sudden i see all of these people out of there cars. I pull over to see what happened. I look out on the other side of the highway there was a huge wreck. I started to ask people if there was anyone hurt. No one would answer so i started to walk to the cars to see if anyone needed help since the ambulance was not there yet, i did not want to pull anyone out of the cars in case they were really hurt and i did not want to hurt them anymore than they were already. Then the ambulances arrived at the wreck, i am a nurse so they asked me if i would ride along with one of the patients to make sure they were alright. When we got to the hospital all the doctors and other nurses were wondering what happened. They were asking me what happened and i told them I did not know what happened. The next day came and i was working that day at …show more content…
Finally the person that was driving and hit all these people confessed that he was on his phone and was texting and snapchatting while he was driving. He had hurt over 7 people that are still in the hospital. From a month ago, This is a message for people that text and drive to not text or snapchat while they drive you are endangering yourself and others in that situation. I hope this helps and reminds people to not get on their phone while they drive. About 2 months later everyone in that wreck was finally out of the hospital and starting physical therapy and getting back to their normal lives. The person that hit all these people had got a big ticket and had to pay it off or he would go to jail until he payed off all the ticket. Some of the people had to still go to the doctors for a check up and make sure everything was okay. And taking off people's cast if they broke their leg or arm. Everything had been over and everything went back to normal. Hopes this helps for the people that text and
In the video “It Can Wait”, AT&T shows how texting while driving can lead to accidents that can severely impact someone's life. Many accidents still happen today, resulting in numerous of deaths per year. The person behind the wheel is not only putting his or her life in jeopardy, but as well as those individuals lives surrounding them. Simply by not being aware of the road ahead while getting a glimpse of a text message, risks and puts many lives in danger on the road, making each person a victim of this situation. AT&T directs this message to phone users on the road who can not drive without just getting a glance of their phone. Jacy, just at 21 years of age was extremely impacted by the incident, that left her paralyzed and barely fighting for her life. It likewise left her without her parents, killing them both by the collision. In the “It Can Wait” video, AT&T persuades people to stop using phones while driving on the road because they want people to realize of how much of an impact texting while driving can have on someone's life.
One sunny day on a Houston road, the driver of a pickup truck collided with a church minibus. 13 people died, and the driver admitted he was texting and driving. Yet this happens very often. Over 330,000 car accidents happened from texting while driving in 2015. Distracted driving is very risky, because attention is drawn away from the road,
Simply putting down your phone and paying attention to the road is a decision that not only could save the life of a driver but could save a whole family and community a whole lot of hurt. At any given time during the day approximately 800,000 people across the United States are on their phone while driving, which explains why texting is the number one distraction for teens across the country (Don’t Text and Drive-Volunteer Society of America). However, we can change this. Educating teens about the true risks of texting and driving just might save a life. Any text can
Safe driving is really important in the world today. Texting while driving can lead to a lot of things. First, if a person drive while texting they could run over someone and possibly kill them because their eyes wasn’t on the road. The person could go to jail for years just because they wasn’t paying attention to the road. Second, if a person drive while texting they can hit someone car
In a local news station called KCTV5 they did a report on an accident caused by texting and driving and this is what happened, “A 16-year-old girl has been charged with manslaughter, assault and texting while driving in connection with a September 2011 fatality collision. It's a moment the young driver can never take back, and one prosecutors said could have been avoided if she'd just put down her phone.” This is just plain sad that a 16 year old girl’s life just ruined because she choose to text and drive. Texting and driving is a humongous debate in our society because of how many people do it. People die due to texting and driving every day. people can go to jail for texting and driving and you can hurt other people. Texting and driving is dangerous and should be enforced.
Call to action: I ask everyone to please take a stand today, that you won’t text while you’re driving, and will do everything you can to stop the similar accidents that killed Ruby and permanently disabling ones like Blake. With one pledge at a time, drivers from all over can make the roads safer again.
V: Conclusion: Therefore according to the facts and statistics that were shown previously, people that are still texting while driving might think that they can juggle these big frames of steel they drive every day, with devices like their cell phones without paying the price, are greatly mistaken! First off, no one can say that texting while driving is not one if not the most dangerous action one can do behind a motorized vehicle. What can refute that problem that seems all around us whether commuting or not. Consequently due to the nature of the cell phone use while behind the wheel drivers should not have permission under any circumstance to text while driving. Regardless of the stance every individual takes on this matter, people need to realize the importance of this issue and implement the good driving behaviors. As
Nearly 1.6 million car accidents are recorded each year, out of those accidents 330,000 result in injury or death (Edgar Snyder & Associates). Your life or someone else's life can change dramatically while driving just because someone was on their phone. Texting and driving is a real issue in our country and outside of spreading awareness or creating ineffective distracted driving laws. no one has really tried to solve this problem. Texting and driving is a problem because too many innocent lives are lost every day. The Government should implement an app that rewards people for not being on their phone while driving because so many people die every day from texting and driving.
Overall, drivers really need the willpower and discipline to not engage on their cell phones while driving. A simple text message is not worth a life-changing event in one’s
In today’s culture, we can receive information with just the click of a button from a device in our pocket. Texting is an easy and fast way to communicate and give information to other people. Unfortunately, people choose to text while driving, endangering those around them. Today I will share with you the dangers of texting while driving, why you should not engage in it, and how it relates to the public affairs mission here at Missouri State.
Cell phones have become an essential part of many peoples’ lives as they are one of the main sources of communication. People are able to complete many tasks using their phones, such as making phone calls, sending and receiving e-mails, text messaging, and even snapping photos. Cell phones are not only beneficial, but they are impactful in many ways. As many positive uses there are for cell phones, cell phone usage can be undoubtedly precarious while driving. Cell phone usage while driving is many times done irresponsibly and can put the driver at risk of getting injured. In addition to the driver getting injured, innocent pedestrians could also potentially lose their lives or be crippled due to a texting person who was driving at the same time. According to The Federal Communications Commission, “over 8 people are killed and approximately 1,161 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-affected crashes in the United States.” Texting while driving has become the number one distraction of drivers and main cause of car crashes. These crashes could result in hundreds of thousands of people either losing their lives or experiencing life-changing injuries. Although cell phone usage is an effective way to communicate with others and to complete certain tasks, it has become problematic for drivers in recent years as it increased the risk of injury and death while driving. For these reasons, texting while driving should be illegal and punishable by law.
So texting and drive are very risky to do and think of all the people that you could heart when text and drive at the same time. The crash 18-20 are involved with the texting and driving(“Driving While Intexticated”).
I just discussed with you the statistics of driving while driving, states with laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving, a video link to visit, and a story from my high school town. I hope you will consider the information I just shared and I strongly urge you to visit the video link, UK texting accident. All I want you to remember after this speech is that no text message is
Driving in general can be hazardous. Driving and having such a distraction as a cell phone at ear, or ringing somewhere in a car, is ten times more dangerous. Not surprisingly, drivers who use a cell phone while driving perceive cell phone use by others as less of a threat to their safety as do non-users. A huge number of accidents caused by talking on a cell phone. During the last 5 years texting has become insanely popular. It’s a great and convenient tool because people don’t have to call person to just say ‘ok’ on that dinner invitation. The worst part is that many people still think that texting while driving just that ‘ok’ is ok. Unfortunately, even with traffic police enforcing those ‘no cellphone’ laws, individuals still neglect those simple safety concerns. People need to start understanding themselves how dangerous it is.
Don’t even try and deny it, we all do it. Texting and Driving, snapchatting and driving, or making a call while driving, we are all guilty. Especially teens and young adults like myself. My excuse? “I've been driving for years, It’s okay,” or “Let me just send this message real quick, nothing will happen.” It wasn’t until this summer, almost a week ago, everything all changed. One of my highschool teachers, who for many of his students was a friend, mentor and counselor was killed by a driver using their phone.