
Never Look Away Research Paper

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Never Look Away Today I was driving and all the sudden i see all of these people out of there cars. I pull over to see what happened. I look out on the other side of the highway there was a huge wreck. I started to ask people if there was anyone hurt. No one would answer so i started to walk to the cars to see if anyone needed help since the ambulance was not there yet, i did not want to pull anyone out of the cars in case they were really hurt and i did not want to hurt them anymore than they were already. Then the ambulances arrived at the wreck, i am a nurse so they asked me if i would ride along with one of the patients to make sure they were alright. When we got to the hospital all the doctors and other nurses were wondering what happened. They were asking me what happened and i told them I did not know what happened. The next day came and i was working that day at …show more content…

Finally the person that was driving and hit all these people confessed that he was on his phone and was texting and snapchatting while he was driving. He had hurt over 7 people that are still in the hospital. From a month ago, This is a message for people that text and drive to not text or snapchat while they drive you are endangering yourself and others in that situation. I hope this helps and reminds people to not get on their phone while they drive. About 2 months later everyone in that wreck was finally out of the hospital and starting physical therapy and getting back to their normal lives. The person that hit all these people had got a big ticket and had to pay it off or he would go to jail until he payed off all the ticket. Some of the people had to still go to the doctors for a check up and make sure everything was okay. And taking off people's cast if they broke their leg or arm. Everything had been over and everything went back to normal. Hopes this helps for the people that text and

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