
New Deal DBQ

Decent Essays

The Great Depression was the deepest economic downturn that started soon after the stock market crash in 1929. This was a time period where thousands of homeless people would wander in the streets and workers lived in fear and pressure of running out of money. There are several long term causes, including the overproduction of farm goods and sketchy exchanges in the stock market. The overproduction of farm goods caused a major drop in prices of the goods, creating more pressure on the already in debt farmers. Buying on margins would cause the speculators to go in debt and banks to lose money when the stock goes down. While the stock market and economy crashed in 1929, Hoover believed in rugged individualism, which means one is responsible for their own success, and …show more content…

In Document 4, it shows a sick man, representing America, receiving programs from FDR that were supposed to improve his health but didn’t. This document shows how FDR was wasting money and time on the poor by providing programs that are not improving the health of America. During the New Deal, as shown in Document 3, the expenditures in 1934 and 1935 went rocket high. This shows that the government is using too much money and causing deficits, and as long as these programs continue, the government will continue to incur losses. Document 7 states that the National Recovery Administration authorized lower pay rates for blacks. The Federal Housing Authority also refused to guarantee mortgages to blacks trying to buy houses in white neighborhoods. This shows that multiple New Deal programs indirectly supported racism and closed its windows on needy minorities. These documents reveal how the New Deal was just adding more pressure to the government and if not improving, damaging the society with unjust and insufficient

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