
New Jersey History

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When people think about New Jersey in todays time they think of beautiful beaches, good diners, and its nickname the “garden state”. But what most people don’t know is its history. Some don’t even know it was one of the thirteen original colonies. New Jersey also has a few sports teams that people may recognize like the New Jersey Devils and the Atlantic City Cardsharks. New Jersey one of the thirteen original colonies, was founded in 1664 by Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret because the king of France wanted to explore the unknown land in-between Newfoundland and Florida, the Dutch, Swedes, and the Finnish wanted to settle there because of trading, and because the British took over because they wanted to add it to their colonies. Giovanni Da Verrazano was the first European that traveled across the ocean in 1524 (Tamara Orr). He was looking for an unknown area between Florida and Newfoundland. He ended up in what people know today as New Jersey. He anchored off in Sandy Hook. “The colonial history of New Jersey started after Henry Hudson sailed through Newark Bay in 1609” (A Short History of New Jersey). …show more content…

When he came he claimed the land for the dutch and he named it New Netherlands (A Short History of New Jersey). The Dutch, Swedes, and Finnish were the first European settlers in New Jersey. “Small trading colonies sprang up where the present towns of Hoboken and Jersey City are located” (A Short History of New Jersey). (A Short History of New Jersey). Bergen was the fist permanent European settlement. It’s amazing to me that different settlers could all live in New Jersey with such

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