
New Mexico Pros And Cons

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One thousand nine hundred and ten, people authorized the territory of New Mexico to form the constitution and state government. But the country seat was in fairway Mesilla the village that is now present day Las Cruces N.M and the citizens of Tucson began calling for separate territorial status for Arizona almost immediately. In 1888, the New Mexico territorial legislature passed a resolution supporting the creation of an Arizona territory. It would be the land west of north south line about 32 degrees west of Washington D.C. It must be said that New Mexico themselves were not uniformly in favor of statehood.
Roosevelt then urged Beveridge to admit the territories separ. Unlike most other statehood measures the bill required ratification by the population of the four territories New Mexicans accepted it by an overwhelming margin not so much out nostalgia. For its former western half but it’s the only way to achieve statehood Arizona with its growing Anglo majority however roundly rejected the prospect. On January 6, 1912, after years of debate on whether the population of New Mexico was fully assimilated into American culture, or too immersed in corruption, President William Howard Taft twisted arms in Congress and New Mexico became the 47th state of the Union.[39] The admission of the neighboring Arizona on February 14, 1912 …show more content…

Finally, on June 20, 1910, President William H. Taft signed an Enabling Act which authorized the territory to call a constitutional convention in preparation for being admitted as a state. On October 3 of that year, one hundred delegates elected from every county in the territory, convened at Santa Fe and drafted a constitution which was approved by voters on January 21, 1911. New Mexico had taken the final step in its long journey towards becoming a full part of the United States of

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