
New Testament Reflection Paper

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Transitioning to the New Testament which contains parables showing human attitudes were created in the course of several decades, therefore it is much more coherent than the Old Testament, which was created in the course of a dozen or hundreds of years. Jesus Christ taught parables. This made it easier for people to understand what Jesus was teaching them. The parables were literal, applicable, and easy to comprehend. It was a convenient way of transmitting information. An important parable that Jesus told was the parable of the merciful Samaritan. A man was attacked by a couple robbers while traveling. They beat him severely, however, no one came up to help him despite the fact that he was being passed by many people - including a priest and a Levite. Shortly, the only person that took the man and helped him was a Samaritan. He was the one that showed mercy and helped the man in need. God was pleased with the Good Samaritan. Within the New Testament, we also experience the love of God that embraces all the people who believe in it, regardless of their suffering, nationality and previous beliefs. By reading the whole Bible we can find patterns to follow and live by so that our lives become better. By reading the parables and letters, we learn to look differently and we can even gain a new perspective from the outside. The New Testament consists of four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). These Gospels contain narratives of life, the teachings, as well as the

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