
New York Casino-Personal Narrative

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I walked out of the New York Casino’s front doors to the smell of car oil from new corvettes and cigarette smoke. I hate those people that go off buying expensive cars without any thought about other people. Why is it fair that they have all this money to go around wasting? Whatever the reason hope he has a fun time compensating. I just got two hundred from that gig, but it still doesn't cover my house rent or house payment. “I guess I’m working overtime” I sigh to myself. I hail a cab to my home, I get out to a landlord that looks like someone just shot his dog. “Hey, I thought you said you were going to pay the rest of your rent today. I don’t let slackers live in my hom-”. I pull out two hundred cash and that shuts the oaf up. “Thank …show more content…

He’s got a balding head, and never seems happy, even when I gave him two hundred dollars in cash his face didn’t even crack a smile a little bit. I close the door on his wrinkled face, it’s remarkable that he’s thirty four and has as much wrinkles as a man thats ninety two. I turn and breath a heavy sigh of relief. I’m finally back home I walk to the kitchen which is filled with the most modern equipment for house hold appliances a nice fridge and a oven even though I’m a terrible cook. I open the general electric refrigerator, they just love their logo don’t they as it was labeled on the top fold of the fridge, I grab a …show more content…

As I was about to say something she sat up abruptly and walked away from her desk, past me, to a door that looks like it led to the cashiers for the chips. I sat for what was only like five minutes but felt like an eternity. Truth is I desperately needed this job I just paid off last month's rent and didn’t have any money for another month. If I could live with a family member I would but they’re all scattered and last time I heard from them they weren’t doing any better than me. A man walks into the room coming from the door the counter girl left. He’s tall and a little lanky he walks a little gangly but is well dressed and he’s walking right towards me. “So this is the smooth talking comedian that claims we need him,” He said with a scratchy voice “Now hold on, I never claimed you need me, I’ll be honest I’m here because I’m looking for the work”. He steps back and looks me up and down then

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