
Essay On The New York City Department Of Health And Mental Hygiene

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The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has an annual budget of $1.6 billion and has more than 6,000 employees that work in five boroughs. This department is the largest public health agency in world. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is the oldest public health agency in the United States. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene serves 8 million New Yorkers from regardless of their ethnicity, cultural, and economic backgrounds. Their services vary such as inspections of dining establishments to birth certifications for newborns. This department also works behind the scenes to investigate suspicious clusters of illness.
The epidemiologist for the department study the patterns which cause and effect of health and disease conditions in New York City neighborhoods. In turn the studies provide information to help develop public health policy decisions and preventive health care agenda for the city. This health department challenges are like other departments across the country. Common issues for this health department are obesity, heart …show more content…

The meeting was led by Mayor De Witt Clinton and it was ordered by the board to evacuate neighborhoods impacted by the disease and collect mortality data. In 1822, the city was stuck again with cholera, typhus and tuberculosis due to crowding and poor sanitation conditions. This changed in 1866 when the New York State Legislature expanded the influence of the New York City Board of Health by appointing seats for physicians and scientists only to detour political influence. After that the death rate for Cholera fell by 90 percent. This 11-member board is appointed by the Mayor with the consent of City Council. Each member of the board serves an unpaid six-year term. The member’s qualifications range in the fields of health and medical

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