
New York States Criminal Policy Essay

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In my opinion, New York State’s new policy on criminal responsibility is excellent. The New York State Legislators raised the age of criminal responsibility to eighteen-years-old. The New York State Legislators listened to the public outcry and made this necessary change in policy. The new policy will have a positive impact on teenagers, parents, taxpayers and the New York State’s economy for the next twenty-five years.

The New York State Legislators did the right thing and increased the age of criminal responsibility to eighteen-years-old. New York State will not automatically prosecute sixteen and seventeen-year-olds as adults anymore. Annually, nearly 28,000 sixteen and seventeen-year-olds face the possibility of criminal prosecution as an adult (Raise the, n.d.). Now Adolescents don’t have to worry about adult prosecution in the criminal system. Sixteen and Seventeen-year-olds will have the opportunity to call their parents if they get arrested. Sixteen and …show more content…

Parents don’t have to worry about their children getting treated like an adult in the criminal justice system and receiving adult prison sentences. Making parents worry less and have less stress is wonderful for the entire community. Adolescents will get extensive rehabilitation in the form of psychiatric counseling, big brother programs and community service programs. Young people will have just human treatment so that they can become contributing members of society and not second-hand citizens (Karlin, 2017). Taxpayer’s dollars are not paying for adolescents in prisons, they are now paying for state college funds. This makes taxpayers happy because the tax money is going to help young people and it’s beneficial to a healthy society. The new criminal responsibility policy creates new opportunities for adolescents, who can look forward to a bright

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