The presentation started with Pete Read, who lost his 19-years old daughter Mary in the Virginia Tech mass shooting. He shared the feeling he has about his loss and what motivates him to become a gun violence prevention advocate.
After that Gary Pudub started his presentation, he is the regional coordinator of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) and has a police job background.
In this events which was organized by Friends and Foundation with the help of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) organization in the Rochester library, the presenters talked about what is gun violence and gun control, and what can be done in community and nationwide to prevent wrong usage of gun. The mission of NYAGV is “to reduce gun violence through legislative
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Based on a research of Brady campaign with the increase level of criminal activities specially increase usage of uncontrolled guns and in order to control gun usage, some of the states issued State gun laws to fill the gaps in the federal laws and keep citizens safe. These laws can help to keep gun out of the hands of dangerous people and help low enforcement in decreasing gun crimes. Most of the states with strong gun law have the lowest rates of gun death. (figure 1) New York is one of the states which does not have state gun law and NYAGV mission is to bring a policy change in New York and influence government to issue a state gun law. There are many opposing views about gun control and some people are against this and saying that gun control cannot save lives. But the fact is that state laws do not prevent individual from having gun but most of them ask individuals to do a background check before buying a gun and also to keep gun in a save place out of reach of children and teenagers. As per my opinion NYAGV mission is realistic and they do care for people while they are doing their advocacy, they don’t want any parents to feel what Peter felt after losing Mary. They want to keep the New York state safe, but as gun trading as a root in big businesses and power holders are behind that, reaching to this goal is not easy for
In 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School was victim of a terrible mass shooting that prompted several states and cities to pass strict gun control measures. This sparked a widely debated and controversial issue for “gun friendly” states in the South and West, who responded with bills that would strengthen Stand Your Ground laws and allow weapons in most public places. The nation continues to be divided on gun control policies, as it is very controversial and continues to be a very hot topic in society today. There has been a rise in gun violence throughout the years, and it has been widely been debated that guns are too easily accessible and there is a continued push for stricter gun laws that can reduce the risk of gun violence.
Daily News20 Mar. 2013. Rpt. in Gun Violence. Ed. Noël Merino. Farmington Hills,MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.
Gun laws have become a popular topic in the news today. Everyday there are stories on the news of people getting shot either purposely or by accident. It has become easy for individuals to obtain a concealed weapon. Gun laws are the cause of much violent crime in America, and the best way to resolve the
In 1993, there were more than 18,000 firearm homicides in America. That number has been decreasing for the past two decades. In 2011, the reported number of firearm homicides was a little more than 11,000. In another part of the world, Germany was reported to have less than 200 firearm homicides, France less than 50. It is also estimated that there are around 270 million guns in America. This paper examines the possibility that if the American government put into place gun regulation laws, and made penalties more harsh for gun related crimes, the national murder rates would go down.
On January 6, 2013, Staff Sgt. Nathan Haddad was pulled over for a random stop in the state of New York. Inside his car, Sgt. Haddad was in possession of five AR-15 magazines. Unaware of the New York law, which prohibits possession of magazines capable of carrying seven or more rounds, Sgt. Haddad was arrested and charged with five felonies. This decorated Army veteran could now face 35 years in prison because of confusing and inconsistent gun laws in the United States. Governmental seems like it’s always in the media spotlight. There are countless talking heads on television debating how to keep firearms out of the bad guys hands. Usually these arguments extremely heated, and no real progress comes out of the discussions. However, the important
Gun control has become an increasingly controversial topic in the nation due to the continuous debates relating to gun control and whether or not laws should be passed to make it harder for guns to be obtained. Guns serve for a variety of purposes that range from good to bad. Guns are not for everyone. Some individuals cannot handle guns properly, and some choose to use guns inappropriately. Lately, guns have become more of a problem in our society. There has been an increasing amount of shootings that have taken many lives and have wounded people emotionally, not just physically. Although guns are used for protection, firearms are reportedly used more in crimes. More and more shootings are breaking out across the nation. As a result, the
passing gun control laws is the state of New York. The bill that was passed has tightened the
This article is meant to be read by others besides citizens in Chicago. It is a cry for help, and an insight into what people are going through because of gun violence. I and many others live in rural towns, safe, family areas and we have no clue what these cities are going through. We cannot relate to something that we haven 't experienced. Davey uses her words to influence the readers to try to sympathize and understand what the
This paper will explore the history of guns, myths and realities of gun violence. Gun violence is a hot topic in America today and some may believe that America was built on gun violence. This country was colonized by the use of violence with guns. We’ve had wars since the invasion of this country. The violence has been around also with the well-known 1775 speech from Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death” (Jr.). Give me death is a very strong statement that to me means this is of a violent nature. Since then violence with guns would only escalate from taking land to taking lives whether it be homicides, suicides or threats of violence against one another. With the violent history of gun violence in America and so many different opinions, who or what is responsible for the destruction on self and society and what are the some of the ways to discourage these behaviors.
A literature review of gun violence prevention is being undergone as part of this submittal. This research is important because gun violence has been a plague in the United States and the United Kingdom, among other places, for much of the recent century or two. This violence takes on two major forms. The first is general gun violence that is perpetrated as part of gang violence, robberies, burglaries, crimes of passion or spite and so forth. The other major form, which is both quite uncommon but very poignant and affecting when it happens, are school and other mass shootings like Columbine and the very recent Sandy Hook. There have been a decent amount of other school shootings and work shootings, but those are far and away the most notorious. Both were effected by very mentally ill teenagers or young adults that decide to go out in a bloody and perverted blaze of glory before they took their own life.
The research articles selected discuss a dark day that occurred at 0800 on 23 January 2018 in Benton, Kentucky one day after a school shooting that had occurred in Texas 22 January 2018. A 15-year-old boy walked into the school and went to the common area of Marshal County High School; pulled out a handgun and opened fired on fellow students. The 15-year-old boy was arrested with no motive discovered. The end result was two students’ lives being taken at an early age of 15-years-old and 18 other students being wound with varying ages. The shooters identity has not been given to the community but one of the local reports who rushed to the scene was quickly relieved due to it was her son that is the suspect for the shooting. The shooter was quickly subdued once police arrived on scene. The district attorney is looking to charge the 15-year-old as an adult with no motive yet on why.
Another group that is advocating for the stop of gun violence is the Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence. This groups motto is “Because smart gun laws save lives”, and they dedicate the work they are trying to achieve to the victims and their families from the 101 California Street shooting in San Francisco. This organization helps to provide extensive and in-depth summaries of the United States federal, state, and local laws and policies involving firearms. They try to be the most comprehensive resource of information on gun regulations; and along with trying to inform the public on the gun laws that are in place they also want to describe what the law is designed too do and to show us the limitations that these laws face. This groups
A shooting here; a shooting there; an every day occurrence heard in the newspapers and on the news channels on television. New media are reporting a shooting somewhere. Whether the shootings are accidental or intentional; they are happening across the United States. Nevertheless, in today’s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence.
It is impossible not to open a newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the radio with out hearing about some type of gun violence. Perhaps the main reason for such high gun violence is that guns are so plentiful in the Unites States. In fact, there are sixty five million handguns in America ("The `facts' about Guns"). These guns contribute to an annual medical cost of fourteen billion dollars, which is spent solely on treating gun victims ("Handguns in America"). Not surprisingly, handguns are the cause of eighty percent of homicides, seventy percent of suicides, and almost every accidental shooting ("Youth and Violence"). Handgun violence is a problem that is easy for everyone to see. How to solve this predicament is another
The legality of having guns and possessing firearms in the United States of America is well engraved within the Second Amendment of the nation’s constitution. However, the issue of gun regulation has remained a central topic in America’s public. Some people advocate for a total ban on gun possession, while others are totally against this idea. The shooting incident in Las Vegas weeks ago has raised controversial debates in the United States of America. In fact, the White House is concerned on the stand that President Trump will take on the issue of stricter gun laws. One of the cities that has gained the attention of both the legislators on this topic is Chicago. For its reputation for its low rate of gang arrests, lax punishments for gun law violations, and comparatively weak laws in accordance with surrounding states, it is justifiable to say that Chicago’s daily shootings are a clear indicator that strict state gun laws don’t work.