
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Analysis

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The presentation started with Pete Read, who lost his 19-years old daughter Mary in the Virginia Tech mass shooting. He shared the feeling he has about his loss and what motivates him to become a gun violence prevention advocate.
After that Gary Pudub started his presentation, he is the regional coordinator of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) and has a police job background.
In this events which was organized by Friends and Foundation with the help of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) organization in the Rochester library, the presenters talked about what is gun violence and gun control, and what can be done in community and nationwide to prevent wrong usage of gun. The mission of NYAGV is “to reduce gun violence through legislative …show more content…

Based on a research of Brady campaign with the increase level of criminal activities specially increase usage of uncontrolled guns and in order to control gun usage, some of the states issued State gun laws to fill the gaps in the federal laws and keep citizens safe. These laws can help to keep gun out of the hands of dangerous people and help low enforcement in decreasing gun crimes. Most of the states with strong gun law have the lowest rates of gun death. (figure 1) New York is one of the states which does not have state gun law and NYAGV mission is to bring a policy change in New York and influence government to issue a state gun law. There are many opposing views about gun control and some people are against this and saying that gun control cannot save lives. But the fact is that state laws do not prevent individual from having gun but most of them ask individuals to do a background check before buying a gun and also to keep gun in a save place out of reach of children and teenagers. As per my opinion NYAGV mission is realistic and they do care for people while they are doing their advocacy, they don’t want any parents to feel what Peter felt after losing Mary. They want to keep the New York state safe, but as gun trading as a root in big businesses and power holders are behind that, reaching to this goal is not easy for

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