
News Log Essay Example

Decent Essays

When selecting the articles for my news log I would usually just browse through a combination of Apple News and Google News, looking for anything that caught my eye and sounded interesting. In general, I tried to follow along with interesting and continuing stories. Ongoing stories such as the attempt the replace and repeal Obamacare provided a good an interesting way to follow along with politics that provided a more complete picture. In particular I found the stories about Obamacare interesting and many weeks I ended up looking for more information on what was happening in D.C. In general, I tried to cover headliners and other big stories. My thought process was simply that by keeping up with the biggest stories, I would not miss what …show more content…

It will be interesting to see, even with the many scandals, if Roy Moore of Alabama, will be able to employ a similar strategy and fight against the Republican Party and gain support from the new conservative base. Second, I also learned a lot about the Affordable Care Act and its many intricacies. Before this assignment I was relatively clueless to what the ACA actually did. I overheard conversations from parents and other older adults, but I never really researched what it actually does. After reading about many attempts and new bills proposed to repeal and replace the ACA this year, I was surprised how much I learned in the process. The ACA is simply a health care overhaul, enacted in 2010 with three primary goals. First it attempts to make affordable health assurance available to more people. It provides subsidies to insurers and consumers alike in order to bring the cost down. Second it expands the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income below 138% of the federal poverty level. And lastly, it supports and subsidizes innovative medical care delivery methods in hope of lowering the cost of health care further. Over this assignment I have learned a lot of the ACA and what it actually seeks to do. Third, I learned a lot about the dark side of American politics. Almost every week it

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