Per Reporter: Reporter stated she received a call from Minnie with St. Francis Hospital in Memphis, TN. Minnie said mom (Shannon) has been in the hospital for 2 months and she is concerned the child may be home alone. Aunt Beverly is supposed to be watching the child. Minnie is unsure if the aunt is watching the child. Reporter believes Minnie may have learned the child was alone today, 9/18/17. No additional information was provided from Minnie to the reporter. Intake worker asked the reporter additional questions and the reporter did not at any information. Unknown the discharge date for mom or why she is in the hospital.
At 1005 this clinician made contact with the patients CPS caseworker who reports he was scheduled to meet with the son at his daycare. He reports he met with her roommate who made him aware the patient was taken away from the home by ambulance. In addition, the roommate also reported
UCM: CPSW met with Mr. Mauer for supervision at Brookdale and the visit went well so far. Mom and dad played with their son. Ms. Mauer changed Kaison's diaper and feed him during the meeting. Kaison seemed little tired today. Mr. Stark joined us today and he mentioned that he was in jail for two days and his case was dropped because it was wrong allegation from a friend. Ms. Mauer, Mr. Stark will be meeting their county nurse today after supervsion visit is done. Kaison is doing well and he had no fever and no coughing during the visit. The foster provider stated that since he got the shot for croup to help him breath better he has been doing well. No fever and no coughing so far according the foster provider. Also during the visit he has
A report was received on 06/05/2017 alleging that the mother (Hermionne) left Ashante (C-V 17) with a non-relative since 02/2017 without any legal rights. According to the report, the mother refuses to take her child back home and will not engage with Ms. Aarons (caretaker) to provide legal documentation for the child to be enroll in school and taken to a Primary Care Physician. Ashante has not been is school for the past 4 months and are unable to enroll in school without paperwork. According to the report, Ashante self mutilates her arms, and the mother refuses to get counseling. The report indicates Ashante was to follow-up with a Cardiologist for a chest pain and the mother refuses to take her to the doctor.
On this date, APS supervisor talked with worker at Amedisys HH in Mobile Co. Amedisys called to report Mr. Parker was left alone in his caregivers apartment since Saturday and she does not plan to return for two weeks. According to Amedisys Mr. Parker is receiving speech therapy, physical therapy, and nursing services. The apartment is two levels and his bedroom is upstairs. Yesterday they believe he took the wrong medication and overmedicated himself and the home was smoky where he tried to cook food. He is also isolated in a dangerous area with no phone service. According to HH, they have called Ms. Nash, the caregiver, three times and she has not returned any calls. APS supervisor referred Amedisys to Mobile Co.
EREPORT # 19021 stated the following: The incident happened last night, 2/8/2016. Destiny's mother has "taken off" as evidenced by empty drawers and closets. Destiny stayed home alone all night by herself. The concern is that Destiny is not supposed to be alone with her dad, per DHS. Dad never came home last night, but the concern is 1) dad comes home and she is alone with him or 2) dad doesn't come home and she is alone again by herself all night. I found out abou the situation because the teacher told me. estiny disclosed to her teacher about being home alone, mother "taken off" and that dad may come home and she has to be alone with him. During the Summer of 2014, father sexually abused her. The prior abuse/neglect was reproted but I do
PER REPORTER: Marquise lives with the aunt and she possibly has other children in the home. Per reporter, Marquise has been at his home because his son is friends with Marquise. Marquise has been at the reporter's home for about 1 week. It seems that his family doesn't care about him nor are they concerned. They have not came to check on him. Reporter stated he has to feed Marquise and he can't continue to stay at his home. Reporter stated he knows the family gets assistance for him. Marquise said his father pays child support. His father is a man named Lee supposedly. Reporter stated Lee gave a number to a lady named Mary. It is unknown who Mary is. Reporter stated Marquise said he went to the home Friday and he and his cousin got into a fight.
According to former employee Stephone Else, medication aide, alleges she heard Ms. Lyles tell Phillip Yovonnie, LVN to “Take her to China” with Amara Anele, RN, and Lilian Foster, Medication aide present at 6:20-6:30am. Per the investigation, the date was identified as 1/23/18 and resident was Shirley Depino. According to the nurse Amara, she did not give any medications
On 09/21/16 Called back to Ms Jackson. She was inquiring why her great granddaughter Carlee McCrea was removed from her daughter Chantelle Mrkonic home. She stated that Charlee was in the school when a PD and DHS worker went to school and remove her and was placed in to her father's home, Cole McCrea. This incident happened Friday 09/16/16.
Returned call to Ms Deborah Turner. She wanted to complain about a CW worker that did not allowed see her great-niece Astasia (2years old) and great-nephew, Odion (4 years old).
On this date worker interview, Mr. Ronald Darty, son of Ms. Linda Darty for the purpose of conducting a PARN interview. When worker arrived Ms. Darty was in a hospital, bed located in the living room and did not respond to worker. However, worker and Mr. Darty exited the room and the interview was conducted in a bedroom located in the back of the trailer. Mr. Darty stated he is 42 years old 4/29/75 and has lived with his mother for 42 years. He promised her when she got sick he would never put her in a nursing home. However, recently he isn’t able to provide the level of care she requires. Mr. Darty stated she has a bedsore on her back and when he changes her or rotates her, she screams out in pain. Mr. Darty stated he sleeps in the living
On 9/20/2016, Issac was placed in a kinship foster placement with the paternal aunt after a waiver was completed. A referral was done for a home study to the DCF Hyde Park Office on 9/23/2016 and the home study was assigned to Ms. Jeannie Serrano. Jeannie Serrano from the Hyde Park Office had been out to the home and made recommendations to foster mother about the home. During the home study and
Social Service Case Manager Gilmore did a diligent search to located spouse and relatives. A relative was found in Atlanta, Ga, and Power Springs, GA. Miss. Gilmore received a call from Adult Protective Service, who wanted to attempted contact at the person care home. Ms. Dukes and Miss Gilmore arrived at the home at 1:30 pm, and also did ordered a wellness check with Grovetown Police Department. No one came to the door; however, someone was identified in home, but the individual is unknown. Ms. Paulk still has not made contact with Miss Gilmore. Miss Gilmore continued with the proper steps to ensure safety for Jaylin Davis. Miss Gilmore found a relative home Jaylin can be placed with for future placement.
FS arrived to (client) Quinton Garrett's home to discuss and improve Quinton's behavior and progression towards his goals. Mom informs FS Quinton has no medicine at the time. FS asked mom to see one of Quinton's medicine bottles. FS observed the date it was filled and the date of the conversation, did not look as if Quinton should need any more medicine. Mom tells FS, FS needs to set Quinton a doctor's appointment. FS informed mom, FS did not mind take them to Quinton's appointment for observation purposes, however Mom could at least set the appointment. Mom becomes loud and agitated, saying mean inappropriate things. She also tells Quinton to remind FS to set an appointment for Quinton. She also points out Quinton rash he had a few months
Qu. 1. Is Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern of abuse sufficient to warrant further investigation by the hospital?
The Aunt Minnie case I chose was of a 58-year-old woman who came into the ER after experiencing increase pain within her throat and chest after choking on a chicken bone 3 days prior. The physician ordered the following x-rays; lateral soft tissue neck, AP and Lateral Chest. The findings were inconclusive for localization of a foreign body. The subsequent exam was CT which was performed and demonstrated an esophageal perforation was present. Patients who are seen for a possible esophageal perforation will described signs and symptoms just as this patient had, which included; neck, chest, epigastric pain, dysphagia, or dyspnea. On the more severe end patients may appear