
Newton Small Leadership Styles

Decent Essays

It was clear in the article by Newton-Small (2011) that there were numerous examples of poor communication between many of the key players in the attempt to pass the federal budget. The dif-ferent styles of leadership tended to conflict among Speaker Boehner, Treasury Secretary Geithner and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) director Lew. This paper will discuss which leadership styles these leaders could’ve used that may have assisted in moving the plan forward in a more co-operative manner. Budgeting is difficult for any organization, especially for the Federal government. Mainly because of the various considerations and people involved in getting the budget passed. One needs to consider political affiliations, personality differences, …show more content…

The article mentions how he worked with reworking the reforms to make them more appealing to Republicans, while at the same time keeping certain concessions the Democrats wanted. His participation was one that had suppos-edly killed the deal the first time. (Adefila, Adeyemi & Adeoti, n.d.) Adefila describes leadership as “a dynamic process whereby one individual influences the other to contribute voluntarily to the achieve-ment of group tasks.” (Adefila, et. al, n.d., p2) The article suggest there are many leaderships styles that work with budget negotiations. It lists the differences between traits and behaviors when dis-cussing leadership and budgeting including, six traits which differ leaders from non-leaders, to three specific behaviors critical to determining leaders. (Adefila et. al, n.d.) Adefila’s grand bargain article, suggests participative style has greater influence on budget performance based on the analysis of descriptive statistics. (Adefila et. al, n.d.) Being able to get people with vastly opposing views to agree to participate in a process is one of the qualities of a good leader, and recognizing the project may not be successful the first time is as well, it allows for flexibility in budget …show more content…

In this posi-tion, the person who holds this title often organizes the senate and directs policy to fit whatever agenda their party favors. The speaker can appear to be very inflexible as well as very loyal to their party, this can sometimes cause friction because of the appearance of lack of cooperation with cer-tain members of the Senate. Speaker John Boehner seems to fit the definition of a forceful leader, it is defined as a style which “using person and position power to drive performance.” (Kaiser, McGinnis & Overfield, 2012, pp.124-125) This style deals fits people whose position alone normally commands agreement and therefore they do not usually need to motivate people to go along with their ideas. It is linked to interpersonally oriented traits and behaviors according to Kaiser et. al (2012), and is in contrast to strategic and operational behaviors. (Kaiser et. al, 2012). In the reading, Boehner is does not seem to accept the President changing the terms of the budget discussions, and attempts to lay blame for the “bargain” not being passed, to anyone but him. It seems if he were to be more flexible and willing to work with other parties in coming up with alternative solutions, it could have moved the discussions further. The speaker is a position that can be effective in getting parties of opposing posi-tions together if the person so

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