It was clear in the article by Newton-Small (2011) that there were numerous examples of poor communication between many of the key players in the attempt to pass the federal budget. The dif-ferent styles of leadership tended to conflict among Speaker Boehner, Treasury Secretary Geithner and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) director Lew. This paper will discuss which leadership styles these leaders could’ve used that may have assisted in moving the plan forward in a more co-operative manner. Budgeting is difficult for any organization, especially for the Federal government. Mainly because of the various considerations and people involved in getting the budget passed. One needs to consider political affiliations, personality differences, …show more content…
The article mentions how he worked with reworking the reforms to make them more appealing to Republicans, while at the same time keeping certain concessions the Democrats wanted. His participation was one that had suppos-edly killed the deal the first time. (Adefila, Adeyemi & Adeoti, n.d.) Adefila describes leadership as “a dynamic process whereby one individual influences the other to contribute voluntarily to the achieve-ment of group tasks.” (Adefila, et. al, n.d., p2) The article suggest there are many leaderships styles that work with budget negotiations. It lists the differences between traits and behaviors when dis-cussing leadership and budgeting including, six traits which differ leaders from non-leaders, to three specific behaviors critical to determining leaders. (Adefila et. al, n.d.) Adefila’s grand bargain article, suggests participative style has greater influence on budget performance based on the analysis of descriptive statistics. (Adefila et. al, n.d.) Being able to get people with vastly opposing views to agree to participate in a process is one of the qualities of a good leader, and recognizing the project may not be successful the first time is as well, it allows for flexibility in budget …show more content…
In this posi-tion, the person who holds this title often organizes the senate and directs policy to fit whatever agenda their party favors. The speaker can appear to be very inflexible as well as very loyal to their party, this can sometimes cause friction because of the appearance of lack of cooperation with cer-tain members of the Senate. Speaker John Boehner seems to fit the definition of a forceful leader, it is defined as a style which “using person and position power to drive performance.” (Kaiser, McGinnis & Overfield, 2012, pp.124-125) This style deals fits people whose position alone normally commands agreement and therefore they do not usually need to motivate people to go along with their ideas. It is linked to interpersonally oriented traits and behaviors according to Kaiser et. al (2012), and is in contrast to strategic and operational behaviors. (Kaiser et. al, 2012). In the reading, Boehner is does not seem to accept the President changing the terms of the budget discussions, and attempts to lay blame for the “bargain” not being passed, to anyone but him. It seems if he were to be more flexible and willing to work with other parties in coming up with alternative solutions, it could have moved the discussions further. The speaker is a position that can be effective in getting parties of opposing posi-tions together if the person so
In modern presidencies, increasing partisanship and political ideologies have become a critical component in a divided government, thus accentuating the hardship of modern presidents in cooperating Congress. In addition, the reforms to congressional powers and the adoption of new laws have bolstered Congress’ influence in the legislative arena, this in turn make it more difficult for the President to govern Congress in an already strained relationship.
I am currently enrolled in the MA: Executive Leadership program. I was told that I needed (3) courses to complete the bridge program and be eligible for admittance to the MBA: General (36-hour) program. I am in the process of taking BMAL 500. Tonight, I found out from an advisor that I do not need this course to get into the MBA: General (36-hour) program. I called and had an advisor help enroll me in courses and was ill advised. My admission decision was made on October 18th, 2017, stating that I only needed BMAL 590 to complete the bridge. I completed BMAL 590 in Fall 2017.
With the end of World War Two and the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States emerged on the global stage as one of the planet's great economic and military powers. It is safe to say that with America's change in status, and in conjunction with profound industrial and technological change, that presidential leadership would necessarily have to transform yet again to meet a new era; nowhere could two different styles of leadership to meet the age be seen than in the Cold War administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. Both men would exhibit a unique style of leadership suited to the personality of each, and each style could be considered to characterize the administration of each president, but nevertheless, both men would also use very similar leadership styles when necessary in order to attain certain policy goals.
In addressing the importance of relationships in politics, Matthews writes “[n]o president can carry out a program if the Congress refuses to pass it in the first place or if the bureaucracy refuses to support its vigorous execution” (35). In my opinion, this is a basic political tenet which many people seem to have forgotten. To some people, the President is the only one responsible for any success and failures that may arise as the result of a certain legislative measure while the other branch members are absolved of any responsibility. However, in order to truly understand how politics work, we need to understand that each member of the government, not just the president, should be praised for the success and held accountable for the
The increasing power of the presidency in the domestic realm is evident in the growing ability of the president to set the policy agenda and use public opinion to control legislative outcomes. Going public is a strategy that is used by the president to promote his policies by appealing directly to the voters to pressure members of Congress to pass his legislative agenda or risk a contested primary. “Going public undermines the legitimacy of other politicians. It usurps
As leader of the House of Representatives, Boehner is responsible for managing his party members, responding to their concerns as well as making committee assignments and assigning bills etc. However, with the current lack of party unity(agreement among party members) among Republicans and divided government (Republicans are the majority in Congress, but there is a Democratic president.) he has not been able to adequately fulfill these responsibilities and lead his chamber Of Congress effectively. While Republican members of the House pressed him to make more “aggressive policy changes” and decrease funding , Boehner faced opposition from the Democratic presidency which made it nearly impossible to fulfill the demands of those members. Disagreement within the Republican party also prevents the development of a favorable agenda among Republican House members. Simply put, Boehner could not properly respond to party member’s concerns due to the divided government nor could he manage those members due to the lack of unity and agreement among them.This article serves to inform readers of Boehner’s resignation and of the reasons for it , but it also provides one explanation of why policy making is hindered. While this article is not particularly biased against Boehner or his opposers, it seems to be slightly sympathetic toward Boehner noting his emotions and depicting him as a victim of political conflict.
Governing the U.S. is a hard endeavor, and thus the founding fathers aw fit to establish the constitution in such a way that divides the powers of governing into three branches. Of these three branches it can be argued that either congressional power or executive power is appropriate for governing the nation, however it is my opinion that the executive branch is the best choice of leadership. The central thesis for this paper is, do to the “separate intuitions, and sharing powers” portion of the constitution, the president is best suited to leadership do to his abilities to negotiate and in turn implement good strategies. The structure of congress and the president is largely different, where congress is governed by multiple individuals
Another one of the most famous authors, Edgar Allan Poe, like Richard Connell his background has greatly impacted his writing. January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts Edgar Allan Poe was born to parents with careers with acting, and who unfortunately died when he was three years old. Being raised by John and Frances Allan he was their foster child, at the time they lived in Richmond, Virginia. John was a tobacco exported and Poe was sent to the best boarding schools and then went to the University of Virginia. He academically advanced, but soon was encouraged to leave after one year due to debt. This was because his foster father John, didn’t pay Poe’s debts of gambling (“Edgar Allan Poe”). Poe fell into a great deal of debt and sorrow from
Since 2001 till 2006, , John was the House Committee’s chairperson on Education as well as the Workforce where he reformed the private schools in issues that had been difficult to address (Advameg). In the 2006 elections, Boehner became the House Majority Leader after the majority managed to enhance the first change in transparency and accountability of the fiscal plans (Brown 49). Boehner became the Speaker-designate of the assembly in 2010 when he was turning 60, and later in 2011 January he was sworn in to the 112th Congress as the House’s 53rd Speaker (Williams13). The post became maintainable for him in 2013 within the 113th Congress as no other individual opposed his
n national finance he said, “Unless we can overcome this narrow disposition, and learn to estimate measures by their general tendency, we shall never be a great or happy people, if we remain a people at all.” (D, 116) He would do “whatever it takes to get my plan on the Congress floor… I wanted what I got. When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game, but you don’t get a win unless you play in the game.”
George W. Bush prided himself on his decisiveness. Bush’s management style was structured around a desire to preserve the time of the president and produce swift action. Bush’s management style was a product of his past experiences as a former governor of Texas and business executive and his business school education. His life experiences had taught him to delegate and trust the abilities of his immediate subordinates. (Allen & Broder, 2004) Joe Allbaugh, a top aide and 2000 campaign director, described Bush as the “best one-minute manager” and a “fantastic delegator.” (Public Broadcasting Service, 2004) President Bush once described his own decision making style by stating “I’m not a textbook player. I am a gut player.” (Pfiffner 2011, 249) This preference was reflected in the way his White House organized his access to information.
When elected, each President enters office with the goal of aligning public policy with his objectives and most often also with the goals of his party. The starting point is the understanding of Neustadt’s observation that our government is by the design of the Founding Fathers “separate institutions sharing powers” and therefore, the President must be willing to work with Congress in order to accomplish his (or her) goals. It is often said that no man is an island—that certainly includes the
James MacGregor Burns’ theory of transactional leadership is built on the premise that calculated leadership, not conscientious leadership, drives effective governance. According to Burns, “for the marketplace is just that—a mart. It is a place of quick connections and quick fixes. The moods and styles are quick; they assure reciprocity, flexibility, substitutability of buyers and sellers, volatility of relationships. Relationships are dominated by quick calculations of cost-benefits." Political expediency drives politics. In this view, politics becomes a zero-sum game. Decision-making is based on winning votes, appealing to constituents, and building party alliances. However, a tension arises within this framework of opinion-based transactional leadership. Which mode of leadership should a statesman strive for? Should a statesman
Incrementalism is a theory of the national budgetary process which dominated the mainstream of American budgeting since mid 1960s. This theory is outlined in two landmark works: The Politics of the Budgetary Process (1964) by Aaron Wildavsky and The Power of the Purse: Appropriations Politics in Congress (1966) by Richard Fenno. Incrementalism is a description of how budget decisions are made given an open political system with dispersed power and a complex mix of values, purposes, and interests. According to this theory, decision making depends on calculation of alternatives. Wildavsky explains that a major clue toward understanding budgeting is the huge complexity of the calculations involved. Decision makers of budgeting treat their overwhelming burden by getting aids to calculations. The most important aid they get to make easier their calculation is the incremental method. They make budgeting incremental, not comprehensive. The budgets are prepared on the base of last year’s budgets “with special attention given to a narrow range of increases or decreases”, rather than reviewed as a whole every year. The process is quite predictable, and stable in their whole system.
The federal budget process is a lengthy and complex process that involves monitoring, adjusting, and reporting on the current year’s budget. The budget process is put in place to ensure there is enough funds for many things such as “wage war, provide housing, and maintain streets” (Rubin 2014). Some of the actors are Bureau Chiefs, The Executive Budget Office, and Chief Executive Office. It all begins with the Federal Budget Process and the President’s proposed budget, while directly involving the execution process. The budget execution process aims to reduce the risk of overspending, but when the budget is nearing completion, and it seems overspending will occur, budget sequestration comes into play. However, if not used correctly, sequestration could do more harm than good to our economy and cost important programs their funding. Misuse could also lead to the waste of time and money, which does not benefit the warfighter or the taxpayers.