
Newton's Second Law Of Motion: The Physics Of Soccer

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Newton’s first law of motion, states that a resting body will remain at rest and if in motion, move in uniform speed unless subjected to an external force. The external force could be wind, any moving object or gravity. However, the unbalanced force in soccer is normally the player’s foot. The player uses their body muscles to generate a force that moves the leg in order to kick the ball. The resting ball ought to continue resting, but after kicking, the ball should ideally move in straight line without stopping. However, the ball will eventually stop due to friction. The motion of the ball in the air will also assume its trajectory due to gravitational pull.
Newton's Second Law of Motion
The law states that the rate of change of velocity …show more content…

The ball’s acceleration (a) depends on the applied force (F) divided by the object’s mass (m) (The
Physics of Soccer, 1). Therefore, a massive object will need more force to attain the same acceleration as less massive one. Using the physics of soccer this simply means that if the ball has a lot of mass, it will require more force to accelerate and if the ball has little mass, it will require very little force to accelerate when the soccer ball is kicked.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
The newton’s third law of motion states that action and reaction are equal and opposite. The Law literally implies that the force the player uses to kick the ball is the same force the soccer ball uses to kick back at the player’s foot. It is hard for the player to realize its effect since the leg does not appear to move because it has more inertia compared to the soccer ball.
Velocity, Acceleration and Momentum Some free kicks in soccer have an initial velocity of almost 70 mph(Chartier, &
Barber, 2007). Velocity of the soccer ball can be solved with its formula V=d/t. The ball also accelerates and decelerates from player going down the field. A soccer player can catch up

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