
Niccolo Machiavelli Essay

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Niccolo Machiavelli Around 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli while writing "The Prince" would not be considered a theologian. When thinking of Machiavelli many people confuse him together with the names of rulers who have abused his writings. It also seems other people confuse Machiavelli with the rapper who took his name. Either way people confuse Machiavelli it seems they fail to look at his true message, bettering the state and the greater good. Machiavelli may seem evil to some but his political theory properly applied is optimal for founding a state, establishing and then maintaining order. Machiavelli being a consequentialist believed actions should be judged by their consequences. Machiavelli because of the way he thought believed …show more content…

When thinking of right and wrong would it not be right to save more even though you have to hurt some? Machiavelli is not against all that is good. Machiavelli, although thought to be, is not against religion. Machiavelli believes religion is a great unifier. A fact many have overlooked in his philosophy. Also it seems there is a hint of belief or acknowledgement in God in his passage "Although one should not reason about Moses, since he merely executed what God Commanded, yet he must be praised for the grace that made him worthy of speaking with God. But let us consider Cyrus and the others who acquired great kingdoms: they were all praiseworthy, and their actions and institutions, when examined, do not seem to differ from Moses, who had such a mighty teacher." This quote too could be Machiavelli simply covering his tracks so he does not seem blasphemous and the punishment that would come with being blasphemous. It is interesting though why he would even mention Moses when he could have been as easily left out? Machiavelli believed for a prince to be successful he must found a state that will not need a prince once he dies. This belief was stretched over The Prince and The Discourses. The question though is how can a prince make himself obsolete or should he make himself completely obsolete? The answer is no he can not make himself completely obsolete. A Prince should establish a republic but still

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