
Nicholas Carr Is Good Making USupid Analysis

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In the paper, “Is Good Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr, American author and blogger, argues that new technologies are shaping the way we think and suggest that we should not rely so much on technology. Carr begins his paper with a reference to A Space Odyssey, a 2001 film directed by Stanley Kubrick. He uses this reference to introduce the ideas that something is “tinkering” with the human brain. Many people today, including himself struggle with reading long articles. He insist that its the internet's fault. In today's time, we depend on the internet to get all out information. Nicholas Carr says “My mind now expects to take in information they way Net distributes it….”. Many people today struggle that not only the way they read is changing but also the way they think is changing as well. Many researches has been performed, showing a new type of reading. Many people today do not read the article or passage, they just skim the entire information given for key information. …show more content…

He said the quality of his paper went south because his writing went from “rhetoric to telegram”.Many of the other examples lead to the same outcome. Technology has shown the way we as humans think. Ever since computers has been invented, people rely on the internet to do everything for them. A common example is math, growing up I had to learn my multiplication such as twelve times twelve, now students just use google calculator for math problems as basic as that. In his paper he also brought up The Principles of Scientific Management, it was the idea of maximizing efficiency. Google follows this plath and plans to systematize everything. It is also in their economic interest to do so as

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