
Nicholas II Twilight Of The Empire Summary

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Lieven, D. B. (1993). Nicholas II: Twilight of the Empire. New York: St. Martin's Press. The purpose of Lieven’s piece is to present a new assessment of Tsar Nicholas II and his reign over Russia. The author argues that his book takes a more sympathetic interpretation towards the Russian leader than many Soviet or Western scholars do. Therefore, in his literary piece, Lieven focuses on the political and dynastic elements of Nicholas II’s reign as well as the social and political contexts in which Nicholas II was living. By doing so, Lieven demonstrates that Nicholas was not solely to blame for Imperial Russia’s collapse. While Lieven does believe that Nicholas II’s indecisive nature paired with his feelings of insecurity did influence the later revolution, he …show more content…

This revolution brought newly freed peasants into major cities and the low wages and long work hours lead to the creation of radical parties. Moreover, both before and during Nicholas II’s rule there was a decrease in the amount the dynastic power that the autocracy was able to use. For instance, at the time of Nicholas II’s sovereignty he was forced to sign the Manifesto of October 22, which created the DUMA, or rather the first parliamentary system in Russia. The author argues that this attempt to shift power from the autocrat to the people coupled with the limited amount of power that Nicholas II was actually able to enact as tsar only caused more turmoil during his reign. Lieven concludes his book by pointing out the similarities between Nicholas II and other rulers, including the imperial emperors of Japan and German, as well as drawing parallels between the Tsar’s issues with ruling an empire to issues that were current within 1990s Russia. This allows the reader to draw further parallels and conclude that Nicholas II may not have been an inept despot, as other sources claimed, but rather he was a smart

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